Problem | Chapter 20

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When we arrived at the café, we both took a seat and I asked her to browse the menu.

"Just order what you want, this one's on me," I said with a warm smile.

This is weird... She's being oddly nice.

"You sure?" she questioned.

"You want to pay? Sure," I shrugged.

She made a face at me, "You're a horrible person." She's so sarcastic and for what?

"I beg to differ. I had to take care of a drunk woman last night," I said with a smug smile.

She stopped me, "Okay, that's enough!"

I laughed, "Make up your mind quickly so we can eat and I can get you back home before your parents decides to behead you."

Jennie bit her lower lip, "Right..." Mom and Dad are gonna be really upset.

So Mr Kim didn't tell her that I let him know about her staying? Well this is weird.

But since they're gonna be mad, why do I have to go back early? Being back early or late— they're still gonna be upset. But— I'm an adult?

"I'll have bacon and eggs," she said in the midst of her thoughts.

I smiled, "Good choice." I waved for the waiter and I ordered our food before looking at her opposite me. "Hungover?"

She smiled sheepishly, "Is there really a need to ask?"

"Well, I've ordered us a Red bull. They help with hangovers," I said, keeping my smile.

She looked away from me, "Thank you Jisoo..." She's being too nice... And I really shouldn't tell her before I ruin things again.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

Jennie blinked rapidly, "Huh?"

"Don't play dumb, tell me what?" I probed.

"Tell you that... I'm uh... lactose intolerant?" she lied. Who am I kidding, I love milk ice cream. Was that the best excuse I could come up with?

"Mm hm, you're totally lactose intolerant," I said sarcastically.

She clicked her tongue, "It's nothing serious! You don't have to worry."

I trusted her. If she thought it wasn't serious, then I'll believe her.

"Alright then."

She fiddled with the button on my shirt that she was wearing, "Why're you being so nice?" I really thought she'd send me home.

I rose my eyebrow, "Would you rather me throw you back home?"

"No! That's not what I meant— I just..." she hesitated. "I've caused you enough trouble."

I laughed, "I've told you that I like spending time with you, haven't I?"

Oh there my heart goes again. She nodded, "I don't think I can forget..."

I nodded with a smile, "That's all to it. I like having you around."

Stop saying that! God it's working!

I shook my head at her thoughts with a light chuckle, "You really can't take compliments can you?"


I shook my head, "Never mind."

I need to stop thinking about her.

I brushed her thought aside, "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that your Dad knows."

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