Twenty Two

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"I told you he was bad news. Look at you Dash. A mother without a husband. It's because of those Wonderbolts. You are quitting." Bow screamed.

Bow Hothoof was one tough pony. He always taught Dash to take care of herself. That's why when she got into the Wonderbolts they were so happy giddy go lucky about it. Dash hated how her mother would always praise her while her father criticized her. It was probably the best of both worlds, but they became the same person after the Wonderbolts. It was either happy and supportive or judgmental and peeved. So I was waiting for what her mom was gonna say.

"Both of you shut up," Dash screamed. "I just had the twins and I wrote you months ago. You couldn't even bother to show up when I needed you. So get out of my face. In fact, get out of my life. I'm getting married to the man of my dreams and the father of my foals. If you can't accept that then never ever come into my life again." She was huffing and I could hear her blood pressure monitor beeping rapidly.

I stood there speechless. She wanted me. I walked in and watched as her expression towards her parents hardened but softened at me.

"Get out!" Dash screamed. The couple hurriedly left the room as I stepped in. I looked down at my mare and sighed. She looked up and saw me standing there and immediately let herself break down into tears. I rushed to her side and held her close with my wing. "Soarin' I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." she sobbed.

I looked at her magenta eyes that had now been laced with tears. I used my hoof to brush away the tears that threatened to roll further down her muzzle. "Dashie honey it's okay. Don't even think about it."

"No! I was so horrible to you and for saying the worst things, I fully blame that on myself. I could never leave you nor our own foals. Please know that I love you and I remain true to you forever." She started making commands of herself. 

"Sound like some impressive vows there darling." I chuckled at her. "I promise everything will be okay. We are gonna get married and we are gonna have the life I promised you. You will fly with the Wonderbolts again. I'm gonna be a stay-at-home dad with our little ones. I love you Rainbow Dash and wedding or not you are my wife... I even called you my wife when I woke up from the concussion you gave me..." I chuckled at the last part. 

Dash let out a sweet laugh and rubbed her muzzle against mine and hummed in agreement. "Our little ones don't have names Soarin." she gasped. 

"You are right. I have the perfect name for our son." I referred to the white one with dark blue. "Gust." 

Rainbow gasped in joy and smiled. "I love it. For the girl, I was thinking... Aura because it means---"

"soft breeze." I finished for her. 

"I love you Soarin." Rainbow looked to her incredible fiance, me. 

I smiled down and pulled her close to me. "I love you more, Rainbow Dash." 

With that our scary tale of uncertainty and our family's extension comes to a close. 


"Daddy?" Aura asked delicately. 

"Yes, sweetie." I smiled down at her. 

"Is that why Mommy has a big tummy again?" She asked as Rainbow waddled in with Gust following behind her. 

"Mommy is going to be bringing you home a new sibling soon, yes. But your teacher told us that your class is presenting family stories so I thought you could use one."

"But that one is weird and gross and so long." Gust commented sticking his tongue out. 

Rainbow came and sat down next to me kissing me delicately on the side of my muzzle. "I got this honey." She smiled as she turned to the twins and began to tell them the story of how we met. I should've told that one, but I just wanted to relive the crazy story one more time. 

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