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Six Weeks Later.

"Hey Dash!" Soarin' yelled.

"Yeah." She said wobbling down the stairs.

"How far along are you?" He asked curiously, taking a bite of his apple.

"Well when I told you I was 14 weeks. So 20 weeks I assume." She said shyly.

"You are awfully big for 20 weeks. Should we go to a doctor to get checked out?" He said motioning to her really big stomach.

"I guess. I have only really been to once though." She said before covering her mouth. She let out the secret she didn't want to tell anyone.

"Nine weeks ago, we helped out a girl who had to tell her father a secret. She wanted to run away. Were you just going to go through this pregnancy without a doctor? Or did you think that when you kept telling me that you were and when the baby came we would have a possibly dead child?" Soarin' yelled in anger.

"Honey..." Rainbow started.

"Don't Honey me! Were you?" He asked trying to calm down his nerves.

"I have only gone once because it twins!" She covered her mouth again.

"Twins?" He asked excited.

Rainbow looked down a her stomach her pushed down a little and found one of them. She grabbed Soarin's hoof and placed it there.

"Switch!" Rainbow braced herself.

She started to wince in pain as the babies switched places. The umbilical cords got twisted and was hurting Rainbow.

"Go back!" She yelled again.

They went back to their positions and released the pain on Rainbow. She let out a sigh of relief and cheered herself for teaching them that trick.

"You taught them tricks?" He asked. She nodded in response still recovering from the switch.

"When you are training I teach them tricks on the sideline. I know I should be training but these two are not very aerodynamic." She smirked.

"I love you. I love all three of you." He smiled kissing my stomach.

Just then a gust of wind came through their door and a purple cloud came through the door and dropped on Rainbows lap. She curiously looked at it and found it was a message from Twilight.

"We have to go home." Rainbow got up quickly.

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