Twenty One

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"Soarin." Dash sighed. "I think I want to be single."

Soarin stood there fearing his once promising love with his fiancé had been thrown into his face down the gutter.

"What do you mean?" Soarin's voice croaked.

"I mean like I've been playing relationship for so long, I miss being alone. When I was away I wasn't happy, I was miserable. Cause I was away from you. But deep down I was miserable because I had two pieces of you still inside me." Dash looked off into the distance. "I want to fly again." She started crying.

"Sweetie what do you mean?" AJ asked.

"I miss flying. Being able to concentrate on me in the clouds feeling free." Dash cried some more.

Soarin looked into Rainbow's eyes and met the same fearful teary eyes he had. "I love you." She whispered.

A nurse walked in and checked her IV bag and looked fearful. She ran out and called in a doctor he looked at it and shook his head.

"We are gonna have to take you in for a C-Section. The IV bag has too much of the medicine in here. Either she goes into delivery in a few moments or we have to perform a C-section." He shook his head.

"So she's high?" AJ asked.

"Essentially whatever she's said since we gave her the epidural has been utterly false." The nurse smiled.

Soarin let out a sigh of relief as Dash clenched onto his arm extremely tight. A scream of pain surged through her. The doctor checked her out and nodded his head.

"Looks like you're having a baby Ms. Dash." He smiled as the two nurses pulled the cart from the wall. "Let's get the cart to the delivery room!" He screamed.

AJ jumped down and rushed alongside the cart. Soarin stood there shocked until Pinkie came in and smacked him up the head. "Go after her!" She yelled.

Soarin took off almost soaring off the ground. He bounded after them and grabbed hold of Dash's hoof. Another contraction went blazing through her as she screamed out in pain.

"Soarin!" She yelled out for him.

"I'm right here. I'm right here, love." Soarin reassured her touching her mussle.

Everything became a big blur. The doctors were moving around and positioning Dash for delivery. Soarin just stared at his fiancé and prayed nothing would go wrong. A nurse pulled him away from her and placed him on the opposite side of her. He held one of her legs as the nurse held the other.

"Here we go!" The doctor smiled. "On the count of 3 you are gonna push. Ready?"

"No!" Dash yelped as the contraction hit.

"Too late! 3!" He screamed.

Dash pushed her body forward and pushed harder and harder. Nothing.

"Okay Miss Dash. You don't have much longer before the next contraction hits. You have to push with each contraction." The nurse said.

Dash nodded and got herself ready. Which she wasn't. By the time it hit she was still screaming and yelling.


This was going on for hours on end.

"I can't." She sighed. Sweat bore down her mussel.

"Yes you can. Now c'mon darlin. Push! PUUSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHH!" Soarin screamed.

She closed her eyes and butted her head forward pushing with all her might. And coincidentally she head butted her fiance. Knocking him out cold.

He was awoken by a beeping sound. Soarin opened my eyes and found himself in a hospital chair. A nurse walked by and handed over some pain meds.

What a headache. He smiled gladly and took the pills. The doctor came out of the room and smiled.

"Would you like to meet your children?" He smirked.

Soarin stood up eagerly. "My children! My foals! My wife! I couldn't wait to see them. Last thing I remember is being head butted into unconsciousness. Of course that is just my luck huh?' He thought.
The doctor lead him down the hall.

Each step began to make him queasy and guilty inside. Poor Soaie. could only think of poor Dash. He just wanted the love of his life in his arms. Of course the foals too. The doctor stopped a turned to him as they arrived at the door. The door creaked open and there was a beautiful Rainbow Dash sitting there holding the sleeping foals.

A smile instantly hit their faces as they saw each other. Her once swollen stomach and lessen down to a pudged look. Soarin trotted over quietly and got a closer look at the foals.

They were perfect. One was a light blue Pegasus with white socks and the mane was a darkened purple, blue and, black streaks. The other was a white Pegasus with blue spots dotting it's body and the mane of the foal was a faded rainbow. They almost didn't look real.

It was magnificent. He never imagined being a father but now that they were here it was a feeling he never wanted to let go of.

"Sir, your fiancé would like to speak with you." A nurse came in. "Her father is here as well. I shouldn't go into too much detail, but you need to be in there."

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