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The door came to a soft close as Soarin' walked in. He saw his office door open and stepped inside finding Dash crying.

"Dashie, baby, what's wrong?" He asked.

He spotted the picture and sighed. His heart broke. He sat down in front of her, tilting her face up to meet his.

"Dash look at me." He sighed. She slowly looked up and found pain in each others eyes.

"What is this?" She continued.

"Dash..." He sighed.

"WHAT is this?" She shaved the picture towards him.

"It's an old picture." He teared up.

"It looks newly printed." She retorted.

"It's from before I met you."

"I have known you for four years. Dated for two years. Engaged for a few months. You better explain real quick." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Spitfire kissed me the night I met you.  At the party. Apparently Someone took a picture and planted it in my office. Please believe me Dashie. I'm telling the truth." He begged.

"I don't believe you. I was gone for weeks with a potential of never returning. It's seems like you gave up." Dash teared up again.

"Rainbow....no baby. It's not like that. I waited for you and visited the train station everyday hoping for your return. I would never kiss Spitfire. Never in a million years. I love you." He kneeled down to her.

"Please go." She mumbled.

"Don't make me leave." He cried.

"GO!" She yelled.

He stood up and packed some of his things into his duffle bag. She watched him like a hawk. She twirled her engagement ring and cried more. He slid past her out of their home. As he shut the door, they both broke down on either side.

The next day:

"Dash!" Pinkie banged on the door. "Rainbow!"

She slowly rolled out of bed and walked to the door letting her stomach drag on the floor. She felt like the world ended. She opened the door and in cane all her friends. AJ and Pinkie picked up Rainbow and sat her on the couch. Twilight turned down the lights  as Rarity and Fluttershy popped in some disk.

On played the show. Soarin' appeared on the screen. A younger Soarin' it was the night they met. He smiled at the camera and walked into his house.

"Dude the party was amazing!" Someone said from behind him.

"I know right. Did you see all this hotties?" Another said.

"Yeah. Well I only noticed one. And she was beautiful." Soarin' blushed.

"I know I was." Spitfire came around to side.

"Spitfire!" Soarin was shocked. "What are you doing here? Get out of my house!"

"We all know you want me here so let's cut to the chase." She walked forward.

She leaned upward and kissed Soarin' passionately. He retreated back and pointed to his door. She reluctantly left and the show stopped.

Rainbow was broken. She shut her eyes and rubbed her stomach gently. Tears streamed from her eyes. A hoof then reached up and made her look at them.

"Dashie, please look at me." Soarin' begged.

She looked up slowly and was immediately trapped in Soarin's eyes. She leaned forward and smiled against him. They were locked there foreheads touching arms wrapped tightly around each other. Nothing was this great. She missed his smell for all of 10 hours.

"You went to my friends?" She asked.

"Only to help, otherwise I would have done this last night. Baby I love you always and forever. I kissed Spitfire like forever ago and someone wants to hurt me with it. I'm so sorry. I had eyes for you that night. I even keep the picture of us in my desk. I'll never forget the night I met you." He leaned closer.

"I love you." She got closer. Their mussels were touching and there heart weee fluttering.

"Awwwwwwwwww!" The room erupted.

"Thank you, but please go I've dealt with enough of you ponies." Dash smirked.

"Bye Rainbow!" They all left.

He kissed her passionately. She kissed back and it only got more heated.

"Who did this though?" She asked breaking apart.

"I think I know who." Soarin responded.

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