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Rainbow and Soarin' flew through the sky. The wind fought against Rainbow, but she persisted. Once they reached the castle, they found the whole gang sitting in their seats.

"What's happening?" Rainbow asked frantically.

"We have to leave." Pinkie cried. Her hair was deflated and tears sat in her eyes.

"Ok well we'll only be gone for a few weeks at most." Rainbow smiled.

"No. We'll be gone forever." Twilight spoke up.

"What do you mean, Twi?" Rainbow sat down.

"She shouldn't have to go. She's pregnant." Rarity whispered to Twilight.

"We all have to go. It's not a choice. I have to leave my baby. She has to have hers away from Soarin'. We all have to leave everything behind." Twilight cried.

"What's going on?" Dash demanded.

"We all have to move to the town of equal." Apple Jack revealed.

"We have lives here. Your telling us to move to the town where everyone was once equal. What the hell Twilight? Applejack has 2 kids to take care of. Rarity and Spike just had their daughter. You just had your son. I can't believe I'm hearing this. What do we do when we get there? Huh?" Dash demanded. 

"There's a problem with a couple who just got divorced. The wife is pregnant and has already found a new mate. However the man is in pieces. He needs a new wife and someone to help care for the baby when he has it. That's why all of us have to divorce our husbands, breakup with ours boyfriends, and leave our children." Twilight cried. 

"So that we all can play let me fix your life?" Rainbow boomed. 

"She can't play as a match for him. She's pregnant and who wants another baby to raise. Let her stay and give birth. When the baby is born she can break up with Soarin and meet us there.abut by then one of us will already be married. " Applejack informed. 

"What if we go, meet the guy, see if he's into us, if not we all can come back and not ruin our lives. Are the breakups and divorces done?" Dash asked. 

"No" everyone chorused. 

"Then let's go. The sooner the better."

With that they left a little more cheery but still worried th man would fall in love with them. They travelled and travelled. Once they reached the town they were greeted by the town mayor. 

"They are at it again. This time Weatherby stepped in. I can't watch please go help." He trotted off. 

They dashed down to the town and found A black stallion and a brown stallion were fighting. Dash immediately stepped in and was thrown. A white mare came up and helped Dash up. The white mare was glowing. Of course she was also pregnant but she was still beautiful. 

"Are you alright?" She asked delicately. 

"Yah, give me a second." Dash stomped over to the stallions. "Stop!" She yelled. 

It was frozen in the courtyard. No one moved everyone just stared at Rainbow. 

"And you are?" The brown stallion snorted.

"My name is Dash. You two are?" She snorted back. 

"Butterbone." The brown stallion stepped off the black one.

"Bucky." The black stallion whispered. 

"Butterbone. Come on let's go home." The white stallion cooed.

 Butterbone left, leaving everyone astonished. The all fled soon after leaving Bucky alone with the Mane Six.  

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