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Soarin's eyes bulged out from his head as he stared at his special somepony. The air was stiff as the guests had all just came in.

"Wh-wha-what did you just say?" Soarin stuttered.

"My water just broke." Dash said once more with her own eyes bulging from her scalp.

Twilight and the others began to gather around the couple as they just stood there.

"You need to get the hospital. Like now." Twilight nudged Soarin.

Soarin shook himself out of it. "Right! We gotta go!" He wrapped his wing around his wife.

"Oh!" Rainbow called out. "Ow!!!" She screamed.

"She's already having contractions." AJ yelled.

"I'm calling a carriage." Rarity ran to the phone.

Rainbow doubled over in pain. "This hurts!!" She yelled.

"I got you sweetie." Twilight hoofed over her arm. Letting Rainbow squeeze it.

"Wow you have a strong grip." Twilight pulled her arm back squinting her eyes in pain.

"The carriage is here!" Pinkie yelled as the carriage pulled up.

"I can't move." Rainbow whimpered.

Soarin dashed over and lifted her up. "I got you."

The carriage ride was short but to Rainbow it felt like it took forever. AJ ran in and grabbed a nurse as the others gathered together to help Rainbow be comfortable.

"Ahhhhh!" She screamed in pain.

"Alright sweetie. I got you." Soarin rubbed her back.

The nurse cane out with a trolley and helped get Rainbow on it. She was rushed inside as they walk trotted behind. Soarin was concerned. He's never seen her go through this much pain before or at least seen her show her pain. He trotted along side and grabbed her hoof.

Hours later...

"Ah!!!!! Why won't they come out!!!" Dash screamed. "This is your fault." She pointed her hoof at me.

"I know I'm sorry, come on let's just get through this okay." Soarin encouraged her.

"I can't. Where's the freaking doctor?" She asked. That when the doctor walked right in.

"Ms. Dash." He nodded. "It looks like you are to far to have an epidural and to narrow to have the babies. It looks like it's gonna be a while considering it's stalled."

"Nooooo!" Dash yelled. "This is your fault. You put me on this mess!" She accused Soarin. "Ahhhhh!!!!" Another contraction.

"I know okay. They'll come." Soarin smiled.

AJ trotted in seeing Soarin's  bruised and throbbing arm she decided to give him a break. After all it has been 6 hours without a break.

"Hey there sweetie." AJ smiled. "How ya doing?"

"I hurt all over." Dash started crying. "I just want them out. Is that too hard to ask for."

"Not at all." Soarin smiled, rubbing his arm.

"I'm sorry, Soarin. I hurt...aggghhhh!" She screamed.

"Alright Breathe in and out." AJ coaxed.

The contraction passed and Soarin kissed Dash on the head to go sit for a while.

Twilight saw him come out and immediately found the arm he was limping on.

"I'm fine." Soarin smiled as Twilight looked at it.

"It looks broken." Fluttershy whispered.

"She's right. I'll have a doctor come look at it." Rarity rushed off.

"She's been waiting for hours to go find that cute doctor from earlier. You just gave her and excuse." Twilight smiled. "Here sit."

"I actually should be getting back in there." Soarin turned back. He entered finding Dash and AJ sitting there together laughing. "Did I miss something?" He asked.

"The doctor was wrong and he came in when you were out." AJ smiled. "She got the epidural
so she feels a little lighter is what she said."

"Light as a feather, I feel like I could fly." She day up trying to move forward.

"No!" Soarin lunged forward to her.

"Oh!" Dash scrunched her nose up.

"Those are the contractions. They are minimal. There would usually be no pain, but Dash is having twins and they ran out before they could give her a full second dose." AJ explained.

The doctor walked in and checked Dash out. He shook his head and smiled as he left.

"Soarin." Dash sighed. "I think I want to be single."

Sorry about the short chapter.

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