Out of the woodwork

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Sunday morning and once again mum and Lauren were up bright and early and off the see Eric as soon as they could. As they arrived, they found Eric sitting up and looking quite perky – definitely progress from yesterday.

It was a couple of hours later before Mr Lamb arrived doing his rounds. Today he had Eliza with him, which seemed unusual. Mr Lamb started by asking how Eric was feeling, adding, "You certainly look a lot better today – it's encouraging that you're sitting up already."

Eric replied, "I am feeling pretty good today. I've got surprisingly little pain and I think I'm pretty positive about things." The last statement was said as he looked at Eliza with a smile on his face.

Mr Lamb continued, "I've now got the results of the extended tests and they are confirming my suspicions and that's why I've asked Ms Robertson to be present. The first thing to say is – Eric and Lauren, despite what you have been told before, congratulations you are genetically identical twins."

Mum spoke up, "But we were always told that no matter how much they looked like each other, a boy and girl can't be identical."

Mr Lamb: "Yes, that is conventional wisdom, but the tests showed that both Eric and Lauren have identical DNA and both have the XX chromosome pair, which indicates that we'd expect them to be both girls."

Eric: "That starts to make sense then doesn't it? Was I meant to be a girl all along? Is this nature taking its course and righting a wrong?"

Eliza: "That sounds a very mature reaction, are you sure you understand what you're saying?"

Eric: "Yes, I think so. Yesterday you asked me to think positively and to try and find a good thing every day – That's what I've done."

Eliza: "This might be a good time for me to have some time with Eric on our own. Mr Lamb have you anything more to say or do?"

Mr Lamb: "No, nothing that won't wait until my afternoon visit. Indeed, my work is mostly done and I think you can add more value than I can at this stage. Why don't you talk to Eric while I have a chat with mum?"

Mr Lamb, mum and Lauren left the room.

Eliza started the conversation, "So Eric, can you tell me what going on in your head?"

Eric: "It really started when you asked me to think of positive things, and when I was alone last night I really had time to think.

At first it seemed impossible but the more that I had good thoughts, no matter how small, the better I felt. The better I felt, the easier it was to think good things and it became clear that moping about the past would only lead to trouble."

Eliza: "That sounds like great progress and the results are already visible in your spirit. Well done! Do you want to talk about any of your thoughts in particular?"

Eric: "Well, I started with the biggie – clearly the very fact that I'm alive and clear of the cancer 'Top Trumphed' anything else. That started to make things easier. Then I started to think of other things and the next one that I came up with actually made me laugh out loud – it really hit my funny bone!"

Eliza didn't say anything, but the raised eyebrows and expression on her face said, "So what was it?", as loudly as clearly as any words could.

Eric started to laugh as he started to speak, "Quite simply", he sniggered, "I thought that at least nobody is ever going to kick me in the balls again! Girls are lucky that they'll never have to experience it. Although I realised that girls have other issues to contend with, that got me thinking, 'would it really be that bad to be a girl?', and the more I thought about it, the less it seemed to be an issue - girls always seem to be happier than boys anyway. . .

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