Back to school for Erin

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Monday morning and Erin was up bright and early (truthfully she was up early – the bright is only a part of the saying). Into the bathroom and she sat on the toilet for her morning pee, before turning on the shower. After letting it run hot, she jumped in. Clean, fresh and awake, she towelled herself dry before stepping out of the shower. Pulling on a pair of white panties and a white bra, with a cute little lace butterfly between the cups. Putting the white blouse on, was perhaps the only reminder if her former existence, for the buttons on the left were still not natural. Into her top drawer and she opened a new pair of black tights. Putting her thumbs in the left leg, she rolled up the tights into her hands, put her foot in and pulled the tights up to her calves. Repeating the process on her right leg, she then gradually worked the tights up both legs. At the top, she adjusted the tights round her crotch and pulled the waistband right up. Lifting her new school skirt, she lowered the waistband and stepped in. Pulling the skirt up, she buttoned it at the side and pulled the zip up.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, she smoothed the skirt over her hips and bum, to remove the last few ripples in the fabric. Looking in the mirror, first face on and then turning sideways, she decided that liked her now shapely body - even in a school skirt and blouse.

Opening her curtains to reveal a cold and frosty morning, Erin decided that her calf-length boots were a good idea. Lifting them off the rack, she sat on her bed and encased her feet and legs in the boots.

Sitting at her dressing table she then carefully brushed and preened her hair, being especially careful with the extensions. Done to her satisfaction she took her tie and blazer off the rail ands headed downstairs for some breakfast. Mum was in the kitchen, making porridge as Erin came in.

Glancing round, mum said, "Morning Ginny. Ready for Hogwarts?"

Erin: "Sadly it's only the High School! But I can dream of Hogwarts."

Mum: "Porridge for breakfast? It's Baltic outside – you'll need something warm inside you!"

Erin: "Sounds good to me!"

As mum was serving the porridge, Lauren barged in her usual grumpy morning manner.

"Porridge Lauren?", mum asked.

"Yes please.", she replied.

"Here take these two bowls into the dining room – Erin's setting the table", said mum.

Lauren took the bowls to the dining room. As she entered she saw Erin laying the cutlery. "I've seen everything now! You actually look good in school uniform."

Erin, "And I feel pretty good too!"

As they finished their breakfast, both girls put on their school ties and blazers, gave mum a kiss and left for school. As they walked the quarter of an hour to school, a bit of a breeze developed and Erin felt the wind blow between her legs. Despite the threat of a gust lifting her skirt, she somehow was enjoying the sensation, the freedom, and the liberation, it was bringing.

Nearing at the school gates, there was a familiar face clearly waiting for her. As they got closer, Angus's face was beaming from ear to ear.

Lauren said quietly, "He's clearly waiting for you. I'll just walk on and meet up with the the girls."

Erin whispered back, "Thanks."

As they got level with Angus, Lauren said, "Hi, Angus.", and walked on.

It was obvious that Angus wasn't listening as didn't see or hear her. From the look on his face, he was besotted, and only saw Erin.

"Hi Erin, you look stunning – I love your hair.", he said with a bit of a quiver in his voice.

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