P.E. Day

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Tuesday and everything was just like normal, for Erin, that is. Jimmy, on the other hand, wasn't faring so well. Although he wasn't being bullied, he was still not finding favour with most of the boys.

Luckily for him the girls were much more empathetic and he was making friends here.

At the end of morning French as the bell rang for break time and they made their way out the classroom, Jimmy tapped Erin on the shoulder. "Erin", he said meekly, "Can I ask you for some advice? But it might be a bit personal."

Erin: "Let me go for a pee and I'll meet you in the foyer in five minutes."

Erin sped off down the corridor, while Jimmy made his way to the foyer.

After what seemed an age, to Jimmy, Erin arrived. "What's up Jimmy – you look worried."

Jimmy: "I'm worried about PE tomorrow. The boys don't seem very sure of me as I am, so I don't think I'll be welcome in their changing room. Wearing a skirt would be bad enough in there, but them seeing me in my panties would be soooo embarrassing.

But for the obvious reason, that I'm not a girl yet, I won't be allowed in the girls locker room either."

Erin paused for a second, "Wait a moment – did you say 'not a girl yet'?

"Yes – why?"

"Well that makes all the difference. You need to talk with Miss McInnes – she'll sort something out for you.", replied Erin. She continued, "If the boys are being shitty with you, just ignore them. There are plenty of girls to be friends with.

I'm sure the boys are just worried about you challenging their macho images. I'm sure some of them are more fragile than the behaviours that they try to show."

"Thanks Erin. It really helps to be able to confide in someone, knowing that they won't be judgemental."

"Any time Jimmy.", said Erin, "Are you still okay being called Jimmy?"

"Yes – that's what I've always  been called. I thought it would be an easier transition if everyone got used to seeing me in a skirt. Then slowly, and hopefully without much attention, I'd grow my hair and become more feminine until everyone just sees me as a girl - THEN I CAN BE A GIRL!."

The bell rang and they made their way to Biology.

At lunchtime Jimmy ate lunch with the girls, where he was accepted for who he was. After Erin and Angus had both finished, there were the nods, smiles and indications that they were off to do their thing. They left the canteen and paced back and forth, like yesterday.

It was obvious to the whole school that they were an item, and there was quite a bit of jealousy; the S3 girls were piqued that a S2 girl had lured Angus into her arms, while the boys were envious of anyone that had a Ginny Weasley look-alike in their grasp.

The afternoon passed quickly and as the final bell rang, Erin held back in the classroom and asked Jimmy if he had a chance to speak about PE tomorrow?

Jimmy said, "Yes, it's all sorted. Miss McInnes was really nice and she did offer to give me a gym exception, but I said I'd really prefer to do it. So, I'll be doing PE with the girls, but I'll have to get changed in the accessible toilet."

Erin: "That wasn't difficult, was it?"

Jimmy: "No not really, but I need to get the right gym kit – hadn't thought about that, nor had I thought about concealing a bulge during activities in a short skirt."

Erin: "Cardwell's Girls shop, on the Main Street,   have lycra gym knicker-shorts which would keep everything in place."

Jimmy: "Thanks for the info. I guess that's where we'd go anyway."

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