Five Years later

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With the relationship between Erin and Angus firmly established, we rejoin the story five years later.

Angus is now nineteen and Erin is eighteen. Both are studying far from home at one of the oldest universities in Scotland founded in the fifteenth century. Erin is studying psychology, while Angus is studying Environmental Science.

With over five years together, they are like an old married couple - they are a perfect symbiotic couple - each knowing what the other is thinking and feeling. On campus their friends refer to them as Bert & Ada. Quite why these two names became used, nobody quite knows, but the best guess is that somebody decided that Bert and Ada were the archetypal old married couple and the names stuck. Erin and Angus quite like it, and see it as a 'badge of honour' of their commitment to each other.

One Friday night, or more truly on Saturday morning, after a party the two of them slunk of to the bedroom.

Despite often sharing the bed with Angus's random appendage poking her in the back, front and nearly everywhere else, that had both resisted the cardinal desires knowing that all the stars had to be in perfect alignment. As they stripped off and climbed into bed they both knew that something was special about to happen tonight.

Warming up with a little cuddling and canoodling they were soon knowing where this was going to end. The only variables were in how they might get there. Erin changed the tempo by rolling Angus onto his back and turned around so that they were top to tail. Both had been good at French, so soixante-neuf was a familiar number, which they both found somewhat orgasmic. As they both were coming to the boil, Erin reached to the side of the bed and opened a little packet. Not sure if it would fit, she said, "Perhaps we need an extra large?", as she rolled the ultra - fine latex down Angus's shaft.

With the stars aligned Erin spread her legs and guided Angus into that special little pocket that she had reserved for him all those years ago.

With the perfect symbiosis, that was the night that they truly came together!

As Erin woke in the morning, she saw Angus lying watching her with the biggest smile on his face. She rolled over and gave him a deep and passionate kiss and then said, "Good morning Bert." To which the only reply could be, "Morning Ada." They both instinctively knew the implications. Last night was he consummation of their relationship, or virtual marriage even, which only lead to deeper commitment to each other.

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