Shopping, shopping, shopping

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Thursday morning and before any of them knew it, Lauren's alarm was going off - boing, boing, boing, an a deep reverberating doomsday tone, was something that they couldn't ignore – no matter how much they wanted to.

Mel climbed out of her sleeping bag and ran into the bathroom clutching her crotch, saying, "Make way, I'm ipping." Her panties were half way down her thighs as she ran through the door and, without shutting it, she plunked herself down on the toilet and let go.

The sound effects soon had everybody needing to go. To save the queue, Erin and Mhairi went along the top hall to Erin's room, where they both relieved themselves.

Erin then said, "All my clothes are in here, so I'll follow you back to Lauren's room, once I'm dressed."

Mhairi: "Okey-dokey! See you soon."

Erin, decided on what she was going to wear and laid it on her bed. With a definite reluctance, she started to undress - the satin against her skin felt too good to take off. Dropping her nightie to the floor, she took a new padded bra off it's hanger and slid it up her arms. Wriggling behind her back, she managed to clip it closed quite quickly. She adjusted the shoulder straps and turned her attention to her panties. Pulling the satin panties down, she stepped out of them and took the lilac pair of bikini panties that were on the bed and pulled them up.

Lifting the Lavender legging, that she had bought the day before, she took the labels off and started to put them on. She had to develop a completely new technique from pulling a pair of jeans on. Pulling them over her feet, she slowly worked them up her legs until she pulled the waist up and smoothed the material round her crotch. The sheen of the leggings was no less exciting that it had been in the shop. Over her head went her Cobalt-blue top.

As she stood up after putting on her new trainers, she looked in the full-length mirror and ran her hands down her hips. <<Leggings are like a second skin. Sooo cool!>>, she thought to herself.

She made her way back to Lauren's room and as she entered she said, "I now understand why girls wear leggings – they're wonderful, like a second skin!"

Lauren answered back, "Now you know what you've been missing out on for all those years. And I'll tell you what – the boys are going to be eyeing you up."

Erin turned bright red and said, "Don't say that!"

Lauren: "Come on then, sit down and we'll help you with your hair and make-up."

After a bit of debate, they settled on a French plait, which Rhona soon had in place. The make-up was applied subtlety, more so than last night, as mum would throw a hissy fit if they over-did it.

All ready, they descended the stairs and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Mum was already sitting there sipping her coffee. "Morning girls!", she said, "Everything is on the table, unless you prefer toast – you'll need to pop that in the toaster yourself. Everybody sat at the table and poured cereal into bowls, added milk and started crunching.

When they were finished, mum said, "Run upstairs and do your teeth and we'll get on our way." It wasn't long before everyone was thundering down the stairs like a herd of elephants.

Leaving the house, mum checked the door was secure and they climbed into the SUV. Mum turned round and said, "I'm glad we got the extra seats option – it would have been a bit of a logistical nightmare if we only had five seats. Everybody buckled up?"

A chorus of "Yes", was returned.

It was a half-hour drive to the mall and it passed quickly as the journey was filled with constant chatter. As they pulled into the multi-storey car park, it looked like everyone else in the world had the same idea to get in early to beat the crowds. Round and round they drove, spiraling up – mum had decided to head straight for a higher floor where she thought that they'd get a spot near the mall entrance. Exiting the ramps at the third floor, they drove through a near empty space to park right beside the door into the mall.

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