End of summer term

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The last week of June and the end of term dance was on the Wednesday night. There were the obvious couples, of which Erin and Angus were firmly at the top of the list. Lauren was going with Alan, and the rest of the gang of five were hitched up too.

There were a few boys and girls that were still unpaired and everyone was hoping that they'd find someone on the night.

Wednesday afternoon came quickly, that week, and the S2s were let out early to allow them to prepare for the dance that evening. Angus walked Erin home as was the norm these days, before he headed back to his house.

Meanwhile Erin was already in the shower, enjoying the refreshing respite from the heat of the summer sun. Turning the water off, she grasped the towel and gently dried her sensitive skin, before squatting a little and inserting a tampon, for it was that time of month. Wrapping the towel round her boobs, she glanced in the mirror and smiled at her reflection as she had the strange thought about what reaction she'd get if she turned up for the dance in a towel!

She crossed her bedroom to her chest of drawers and took out a lingerie set to match her dress. Stepping into her panties, she pulled the soft satin up her legs and smoothed them over her crotch and butt. Reaching for the bra she slid it up her arms, enrobed her perfectly proportioned breasts and reached behind her back to fasten the hooks and eyes, before adjusting the shoulder straps.

Next she sat at her dressing table and dried and straightened her hair, before putting it into an asymmetric French plaid, ending up flowing from just behind her left ear down the front of her shoulder. Thoughts turning to her nails, she took a bottle of red nail varnish, that perfectly matched the colour of her dress, and put her foot on a stool and one by one proceeded to paint her toenails, before continuing on her fingers. Waiting to ensure that the top gloss coat was fully dry, Erin thought, "And now for the piece de resistance", in her very best French accent. She reached for the matching suspender belt and wrapped it around her waist before fastening it behind her back. With the suspenders dangling from the shaped waistband, Erin sat back down and opened a pack of black stockings. Rolling the first stocking between her thumb and forefinger, she gently inserted her foot into the stocking and slid it up her smooth leg. With the reinforced top of the stocking resting just shy of her panties, Erin took the suspenders and passed them under her panties before she affixed them to hold the stocking up. Repeating the process she slid the second stocking up her left leg.

Standing up, she looked at the full effect of the red satin lingerie set and the black stockings in the full length mirror. With this being the first time she had worn stockings, she started at her feet where her bright red toenails shone brightly through the ultra-sheer mesh. Barely visible and just adding the slightest hint of sheen and contrasting colour to her legs, her eyes navigated up her legs. Looking at her calves, she stretched out her foot, lengthening and appearing to slim her leg, she knew that the 'heels' were going to be perfect.

Then, just for a moment, she had a flashback as she thought of a previous life. It felt a little surreal, uncomfortable even, as she wondered, "Is this a dream - was I ever somebody else? Did I really ever think that having a bulge between my legs was something to be happy with?"
Six months on from waking up a different person, and even at this particular time of the month, she was in no doubt which was the superior gender. This was only reinforced, as she caressed the smooth satin of her panties over her crotch, feeling a quiver transcend throughout her body.

Taking her dress of its hanger, she slipped it over her head and pulled it down her torso to her waist, and let the skirt flow freely. The red stretch satin with metallic gold Chinese style symbols clung to her her upper body like a second skin, as the fitted bodice emphasised her breasts and small waist. From the waist down, the skirt flowed down to a length of about four inches above the knee. As she 'did a twirl' in front of the mirror, Erin was quite enthralled as the dress lifted almost to the horizontal like a full-circle dance skirt.

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