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New Year's morning and Erin was the first to wake up. Needing a pee desperately, she got out of her sleeping bag and tiptoed into the bathroom. Pulling her panties down, she sat and emptied her bladder with a crescendo of running water. Feeling somewhat more comfortable, she changed her tampon and freshened herself up.

Pulling up her panties she tip-toed back into the bedroom and climbed back into bed. As she lay there quietly, her mind went into playback mode and the episode was last night.

She was lying there thinking just how wonderful the night had been. As the time went on she got to thinking about when she showed Angus to her room. She had a vivid picture of the bulge in his trousers. That was before she mentally undressed him to imagine him standing there naked with his erect member with nowhere to hide. She had seen enough last night to get the size right, but pondered as to whether he was a Cavalier or Roundhead? It didn't take her long to decide that it was sporting a foreskin - it was <<au nature>>, the voice in her head said.

With the completed vision of Angus and his engorged manhood firmly planted in her head, she was pleased with the vision she had created. Basking in her glory, she dipped her hand into her silky panties. When she touched her little pea sided organ, she discovered exactly what it was for, and she liked it. Gently massaging herself, she was soon beyond the point of no return as every nerve in her body was tingling. <<That's why girls always seem happier than boys>>, she thought to herself.

Unbeknown to Erin, something similar was going on in her bedroom, where Angus was awake and thinking of her. In his head, he saw her lying on the bed just like last night, except that she was stark naked. Admiring his construction of her feminine body, it was a vision of perfection. (And so it should have been, because it was a figment of his imagination!) His gaze transferred up her body to her waist, of which he had glimpsed last night. The curve of her hips narrowing down to her petite waist, was a vision of perfection too. Passing her chest, which was small but perfectly in proportion, he saw her face wearing a wry smile. The image was complete and flawless. Lost in his head, he momentarily wasn't sure if she was lying on the bed naked or if it was just a dream.

Back to reality, his mind drifted back to where it started. He felt a familiar swelling between his legs and instinctively putting his hand down. Wrapping his hand round his rampant manhood he did what any other teenage boy would do when presented with the girl of his dreams naked in front of him - even if it was only in his mind's eye.

It was over all too quickly for Angus as he held on tight, to stop his bodily fluids escaping. Rushing into the bathroom he emptied his load and cleaned himself up. As he turned to the bedroom he felt torn between feeling guilty at what he had just done – in her bed – and the sheer ecstasy of what just thinking about her had created.

Back in Lauren's room, Erin had heard the toilet flush in her bathroom, so knew Angus was awake. Wrapping a robe round her body, she crept out and along the hall.

At her door, she tapped very gently. Moments later Angus opened the door and whispered, "Hi.", with a big smile across his face.

Erin whispered back, "Hi, are you decent? Can I get some clean clothes out of my room?"

Angus opened the door fully and ushered her in, where she collected everything from underwear to jeans and a top. Then she said, "I'll just get dressed I'm my bathroom, as the others are still asleep!"

Angus sat on the edge of the bed while Erin went in to get changed. Poor Angus's mind was in overdrive as he, once more, imagined her naked, just a door's thickness away!

As Erin came out, Angus was presented with the vision of Erin in a fitted top which left a slither of tummy showing atop of a pair tight hipster jeans, which didn't leave much to the imagination completed picture. He wore a happy smile across his face, but the truth is that he'd be just as enamoured if she was wearing a hessian sack, for he was well and truly smitten.

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