New school uniform

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The days passed quickly, and before they knew it, it was Tuesday and as the twins made their way down the stairs mum said, "School starts tomorrow, we need to get Erin her new uniform."

After they had eaten a somewhat late breakfast they headed into town. At the far end of the High St. were the 'School Shops'. They were something from a bygone era; on the corner of the junction of High St and Manse Road stood 'Cardwell's Girls' Shop'. With only a tiny frontage on the High Street the shop had displays round the corner on Manse Road. Next door, and with equally narrow frontage was 'Cardwell's Boys' Shop'. Both shops specialised in school uniforms for the surrounding area and beyond.

Erin was, of course, familiar with the boys shop, which she remembered as a long skinny dim and gloomy place. As they entered the Girls shop, it was just as long and just as narrow, but it was brighter because of the windows along the full length down the side of the shop. An elderly lady greeted them politely and enquired as to which school 'the young lady attends'?.

Mum replied, "Just the local high school."

The lady said, "That's at the far end - come with me." As they walk through the shop the lady asked, "How much of the uniform are you requiring?"

Mum replied, "Everything."

The lady said, "New to the school are we?", as she looked at Erin.

Erin gave a polite smile and said her usual, "Something like that."

The lady said, "Let's start with the skirt shall we? You look like a twenty-four inch waist?"

Erin looked back in amazement and replied, "Spot on how did you know?"

The lady smiled and said, "When you've been doing this as long as I have, you just know! And I'd suggest a twenty-two inch length - that should be just above the knee."

She took a skirt of a rack and handed it to Erin, saying, "Here dear, pop into the cubicle and try it on."

Erin entered the cubicle and drew the curtain across. Since she had black leggings on, she pulled the skirt up over them. Doing up the button and the zip, she then adjusted the skirt so that the zip was positioned correctly over her left hip and the pleats were smoothed out. Pulling back the curtain, she emerged onto the shop floor. Mum and the lady nodded while Erin felt compelled to do a twirl.

"It's not a fashion show, young lady.", said mum scornfully.

"I know - but what else could I do?"

"Comfortable?", said the lady.

"Well as comfortable as a school skirt is ever going to be!", retorted Erin.

"Do you need blouses?", the lady asked.

"Yes please.", said mum, "Were at that stage where anything from last year won't work any more!"

"A yes.", she said knowingly, as she opened out a white blouse and held it up to Erin's shoulders, "That should fit nicely. Try it on dear."

Erin returned to the cubicle and took off her tee-shirt and put on the blouse. Fumbling with the buttons, still not quite adept at buttons on the 'wrong' side?

Returning from her cubicle Erin said, "It seems okay.", in a nonchalant manner.

"Tuck it in! And let us see it properly.", tutted mum.

Erin undid the zip and waistband of her skirt and tucked the blouse in, before buttoning her skirt up again.

"That's better.", said mum.

"Now for a blazer.", said the lady as she lifted a blue blazer from on of the higher racks.

Erin removed it from its hanger and slipped it up her arms and over her shoulders. As she closed it round her torso, she realised just how different the blazer was from last year's It was definitely cut to fit a feminine figure; roomy on the chest and with a distinct narrowing at the waist. "It's a really good fit.", she said with a bit of surprise in her intonation.

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