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It was Tuesday afternoon when Mr Lamb decreed that things were healing nicely and that he felt confident about removing the catheter from Eric's urethra. As Eric lay on the bed with his legs raised and slightly apart, he felt a tingling in his groin as Mr Lamb carefully withdrew the tubes.

Mr Lamb explained, "Without the drains, we're finished with bandages – instead we're going to use sterile pads and compression pants to keep the swelling to a minimum"

The nurse took a pair of compression pants from a sealed bag and said, "We just call these CPs it's a lot easier to say", as she pulled them up Eric's legs. As she got near the top she took what looked like a standard panty-liner, except of the silver coating, and inserted it into the gusset of the CPs before pulling them right up.

"How does that feel?", she said.

"Quite tight!", said Eric.

"Well if they weren't", the nurse said with a smile on her face, "they'd be baggy pants and wouldn't help with the swelling, would they?"

Eric couldn't help but laugh at the nurse's answer as he responded, "Okay, I guess I asked for that!"

The nurse said, "You'll get used to them – you'll be wearing them for at least a week when you're discharged."

Mr Lamb then said, "Right Eric, it's over to you. Three good pees and you'll be on your way home. Make sure you drink regularly, but don't overdo it! That's as bad as not drinking enough."

The nurse explained that she had put a special bowl in the toilet as they need to monitor the volume of pee for the first few visits.

As Mr Lamb made his way out the room he turned and added, "And after your first pee, the shackles are off and you're allowed to go walkabout."

Mid-afternoon, after ensuring that he was drinking regularly, Eric thought that he was needing to go to the toilet. Mum helped him in to the bathroom, and said, "Good luck.", as she pulled the door shut.

As Eric lifted his surgical gown up he saw the perfectly flat front to the pants. Up until now he hadn't had the the opportunity or courage to look at what was between his legs, so it was with trepidation that he pulled the CPs down. With them round his knees, he still hadn't found the strength to look. As he sat on the toilet, he thought <<What do I do next? How do I pee? OMG, I'm going to have to look at it to work out how it works.>>

As he looked down, feeling guilty, as if he was stealing an illicit glimpse of a girl sitting on the toilet. The first glance revealed that there was nothing there to see. Leaning forward and lowering his head forward he saw his girl's slit for the first time.

As he looked with incredulity, he entered a trance like state as he thought to himself, <<Was I ever really a boy? Was there ever a willy there? Is this another bizarre dream?>>  As he slowly came back to reality he noticed that he had a smile on his face, as he admired what he could only describe as a perfect fanny, complete with that little dimple where the cleft met the public mound.

Suddenly he realised that he was ogling himself. <<Gross!>>, he thought, as the reason why he was sitting there came back to his consciousness. Pulling every muscle and metaphorical string that he could conjure up, he hadn't a clue how to release the pee. The harder he tried, the further away from his objective he seemed, for none of the muscles were where his mind map had them.

He stood up and waddled to the door with his CPs round his knees. Opening the door a little he quietly called out, "L-a-u-r-e-n?", as he beckoned her over with his hand.

Lauren came over, and he whispered in her ear, "Can you come in?", adding, "and close over the door!"

She looked at him with a questioning expression.

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