School restarts

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Wednesday morning and Lauren got up and got ready for school, while Erin lay snuggled up in bed. Lauren went down for breakfast and had a good moan at mum about Erin getting three days extra holiday.

Mum cut her pretty short when she returned, "You really have short memory – it was barely two weeks ago that she was critical in hospital. She's not exactly had a great holiday, has she?"

Lauren looked at mum and dropped her head in shame, before saying, "Sorry – that seems so long ago –she's adjusted so well."

"Right, It's time for you to get moving. Have you got everything?"

"Yes – I think so.", said Lauren as she lifted her rucksack, and she was off.

She walked the fifteen minutes to the school where she met Mhairi, Rhona and Mel at the gates.

"No Erin?", questioned Mhairi.

"No, she's not starting until Monday. She's got a hospital appointment tomorrow and Mrs O wanted time to tell the staff.", said Lauren.

As they walked into the main building the bell rang and they made there way straight to registration.

Mr Laurie, the form teacher, welcomed them back, took the register and announced, "There is a change of classes this morning, will be a special assembly for all S2 in the hall."

The bell rang and the class was dispatched to the hall.

As the three S2 year groups gathered in the hall, Mrs O walked onto the stage. As the hubbub subsided, Mrs O started to speak, "Right year two, I'm sure you're wondering why you've been summoned here, so I'll not keep you in suspense any longer.

As many of you know Eric Nicholson was rushed to hospital before Christmas with a life threatening condition. While Eric won't be returning to school, I can tell youthat a new girl, Erin Nicholson, will be starting on Monday." Mrs O paused, while she watched the reaction.

Continuing, Mrs O said, "I met Erin yesterday and she is the spitting image of her identical twin sister Lauren."

The whole hall looked at Lauren, making her feel a little self-conscious.

Mrs O went on, "This is a very special case and it wasn't optional – it was life saving intervention. I met Erin yesterday and I can promise you that she is remarkable young lady!

And that takes me to a good time to remind you of the school's total inclusion policy, every pupil has the right to freedom from discrimination on any grounds, freedom to express their identity, gender or otherwise, without fear of persecution. That means zero tolerance of discrimination and bullying. I know there will be no issues. WILL THERE?", she said emphasising the last two words.

The whole hall chanted, "NO Mrs O'Connell!"

Mrs O ended with, "Are there any questions?"

There was an uncomfortable silence, that was until Jimmy Jenkins put his hand up. Jimmy was the year-group joker and usually known as JJ or Jimmy Jester because he rarely spoke without cracking a joke.

"Yes, Jimmy?"

JJ: "Mrs O'Connell – you say the school has a policy of no sexual discrimination, but the uniform is sexist. Boys wear trousers and girls wear skirts. That doesn't exactly promote gender equality."

There was quiet murmering in the hall before Mrs O replied, "That's an interesting observation Jimmy, but not quite accurate. Clause four of the uniform policy states that the uniform is charcoal-gray tailored trousers or a blue pleated skirt. Nowhere does it state who must wear what.

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