Christmas Day

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Mum was first up, although it has to be said, not early. Eric came next and Lauren came well and truly last. With everyone down and awake, Lauren was given the task of being the present fairy and retrieving the presents from under the tree. She decided that she'd move all the presents first and build three piles, before starting to open things together.

They then took turns of opening a present – round and round they went until all the presents and envelopes were opened. Everyone seemed happy with their lot, although there were no great surprises.

Mum then said, "I'm sorry – it's not like it used to be when you were younger, and with everything going on this past month – I didn't know what I could get you."

Lauren and Eric between them said that they thought they had done well and had a good haul.

Mum replied, "But there was nothing much from me. I hope this goes some way to get yourselves something that you really want", as she handed each of the twins an envelope. Together they opened the envelopes to find two-hundred pounds each. Their eyes nearly popped out as they counted the money.

"Thanks mum!", they said in unison as the both got up and gave her a big hug.

After finishing off her cup of coffee, mum got up and said, "Right! I'm going to go and start preparing dinner. You two can have the morning off, but it'll be your job to set the table and clear up after. Does that sound fair?"

"Very fair.", said the twins together.

As mum left and went into the kitchen, Lauren said, "Well, what do you want to do now?"

Eric looked at Lauren and said, "Can I ask you something?"

Lauren: "Of course you can – we've never had secrets – have we?"

Eric, "No, of course not but it's different now. Can we ever have the same relationship?"

Lauren: "Of course it's the same – we're still 'the twins' aren't we? So what did you want to ask?"

Eric: "Genetically I am, and so it seems always have been a girl; bodily I'm a girl; I'm pretty sure that my future lies in being a girl; but I don't know what it really is to be a girl. How do I suddenly behave like one? What do I say to friends? What about school? And I'm shit scared of having a period!"

Lauren replied, "I don't really know for sure, but you're first of all going to have to get comfortable wearing to girl's clothes. You could start by wearing some of my clothes around the house, until you get used to them.

No time like the present.", she said as she led him upstairs, "and let's face it none of your old clothes are exactly flattering – baggy trousers and baggy tee-shirts!"

She led Eric into her bedroom, "Get you clothes off and let's see what we've got to work with?", she said.

Eric dropped his Ill fitting jeans and stood there in the CPs and tee-shirt. Lauren looked at him and said, "And the tee-shirt!". Eric pulled his tee-shirt over his head and was feeling somewhat awkward in only the CPs, revealing the two little bumps on his chest for the first time.

Lauren looked at him and said, "Gosh those are big pants", emphasising the word big, "and they aren't exactly flattering, but while you've got to wear them, that will limit our options." She went into her top drawer and handed Eric a training bra. "I now realise why the baggy tee-shirts, but you're not going to be able to pretend those boobs aren't there for long - you'll need to get used to wearing a bra to keep them in shape."

Eric pulled the training bra over his head and wriggled it awkwardly into place.

Lauren looked at Eric and said, "With those pants, it's going the have to be a skirt or high-waist jeans– but you're lucky that high-rise jeans are in fashion at the moment."

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