Best summer ever

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It was a long, dry and hot summer and Erin and her friends spent a lot of time down at the lido. But it was not always so, from time to time Erin and Angus appreciated time on their own. The first occasion that they decided to have a picnic with just the two of the was memorable for what should have been all the wrong reasons that made for what was ultimately the happiest day of the holidays.

They had planned to have a picnic lunch in the park, under the shade of one of the giant oak trees. Armed with enough food to sustain a crusade, they walked, in the blistering heat, into the park. To their dismay, all the secluded and shady spots had been nabbed by families and couples who had had the same idea, but with the foresight to get there early.

After much disappointment and deliberation they started to think out of the box and decided that if they followed the coastal path from the far end of the big beach that they'd be sure to find some shade and seclusion. Off they went in search of their utopian dream.

At the end of the beach, the climbed up the steep path, safe in the knowledge that it was a hard slog in the heat of the midday sun and only they'd be daft enough to attempt it. At the top of the cliff, there was a wild meadow but precious little shade. Eventually as they were approaching the path down to the next little bay, they found a the little shade that they so desperately needed. Collapsing into the shade of a large bush they quenched their thirst and splashed water over their faces in an attempt to cool off.

As they sat trying to loose heat, with only a modicum of success, they looked at the isolated beach down an offshoot of the coastal path.

"We could go down and dip our toes.", Erin suggested.

"Brilliant idea!", came the reply, and they set off down the steep path.

At the bottom, they found themselves on an idyllic golden sand beach, and nobody else in sight. Taking their shoes, and in Angus's case socks off, they paddled their feet in the cool water.

Erin was able to go further out by hitching up her sundress ever further up, until the waves were lapping at her thighs.

"It's easy for you, but I can't get my trousers over my knees.", cried Angus.

Erin made her way back to the shallows and out of the water completely, before lifting her dress over her head and dropping it on the sand. "We can go swimming in our undies.", she exclaimed, "Get you breeks off!"

Angus dropped his trousers and took his tee-shirt off, before muttering, "You've still got the advantage. Your panties will dry in seconds in this heat, but my boxers won't be dry for hours."

Erin just stood there smiling as she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the ground, and as she started to slide her panties down her thighs, she said, "So skinny dipping it is!"

Angus didn't know what to say as he stared at her svelte body, especially her crotch which was devoid of hair. It was, in his mind, the epitome of femininity. As his smile grew bigger, so to did the bulge in his boxers, which Erin couldn't but notice.

As Angus stood there, not sure quite what to do next, Erin solved the dilemma for him. She boldly grabbed his boxers and negotiated the waistband over his rampant member which was by this point as hard as concrete and standing to attention. As he stepped out his boxers, Erin pulled him close as she said, "Come here you big galoot and give me a kiss."

As their bodies met, Erin felt the pressure in her abdomen. They kissed and Erin withdrew from their embrace and grabbed him. Pulling him into the water, she said, "I think we both need to cool off!"

With no way of hiding his excitement Angus was feeling a little bit embarrassed. What he didn't realise was that Erin was just as excited and just as horny, it just isn't so obvious in girls. (Advantage girls!)

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