Now We See

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Hayley and Cash arrived to pick you up around 7pm that night. You sat in the backseat while Hayley drove and Cash controlled the music. He put on the joint Spotify playlist you had all made together, with all your favorite songs.

Your personal favorite song came on, and Cash turned up the volume as you screamed the lyrics, Hayley also singing loudly while Cash just bopped his head to the beat, not confident in his singing abilities.

It didn't take long to arrive at the movie theater; only about five songs.

You pulled an item out of your purse and held it out to Hayley and Cash as they got out of the car.

"What are those?" Cash asked.

"Surgical masks. I thought they might help hide our faces," you said. You knew it wasn't exactly a normal thing to wear them--it's not like there was a global pandemic or anything--but it really would help conceal your identity. You had all worn hoodies too, and you put on the masks before pulling your hoods over your heads. You had worn your Ranboo merch hoodie, as it was mostly black, with only the small crown logo standing out. Plus, it was comfortable.

You all walked into the theater, hiding out on the far side of the vending machine. You had gotten there early so that you could see Eliza and Tom coming in and buy tickets to the same movie.

You texted Ran to tell him and Toby where to meet you for the stake-out. They arrived together a few minutes later, Toby wearing a green hoodie with a small bee logo, and Ranboo wearing a black hoodie, sunglasses, and his own mask. It was black on one half and white on the other, reminding you of Ranboo.

But no, it couldn't be. Maybe he was just a fan. Besides, you couldn't bring that up now. You had a mission to complete.

"Hi Ran! Hi Toby!" you said as they walked over, "Oh hey, same braincell," you said, in reference to Ran's mask.

"Yeah, I thought it'd hide my identity. Seems like you had a similar idea," he responded. He had looked a little shocked when he first saw you, but you couldn't figure out why.

You nodded. Cash and Hayley introduced themselves properly to Ran and Toby. You kept a lookout on the front door.

It was around 7:40 when you saw a glimpse of Eliza's thick blonde hair, Tom walking beside her and opening the door for her.

You touched Ran's arm, "I have eyes on the targets," you whispered.

Ran shifted so that his back was blocking Eliza and Tom's view of the little huddle they'd made behind the vending machine.

You all fell silent as you listened.

"...two tickets for Cruella, please?" you heard Tom say. He already had a twenty dollar bill in his hand, presumably to keep Eliza from trying to pay.

Ok. So you know what movie they were going to watch. Good.

Tom paid the lady, and they walked into the main hallway, not paying a second glance to the suspicious group of people standing by the vending machine.

Once they were out of sight, Toby whispered, "the coast is clear."

All of you took off your masks and walked towards the cashier. You each bought your own ticket to Cruella.

Once the little slips of paper were handed over, Hayley and Cash went to buy popcorn while you, Ran and Toby would reserve seats.

The three of you walked into the dark room labeled "Cruella," seeing the big screen playing an ad for car insurance. You and Ran slipped your masks back on as you entered.

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