Now You Say...

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And the answer's a trick question the butler did it. Thanks for playing!



You couldn't speak for a solid few minutes. You just stared at the screen, watching Ran in front of his sign. Prom? You'd never been to one, and you couldn't dance for the life of you. But you knew your answer. 

You grabbed your phone. You opened Ran's contact. You typed...

Ran's POV

This has been the most stressful four minutes of my life. Maybe it was just stream lag. But then I started to doubt myself. What if she says no? What if she's not even watching? 

What if, what if, what if?

I sat there, clutching the arms of my chair until my knuckles started to hurt beneath my gloves. I was glad chat couldn't see my red cheeks or worried eyes. 

My phone buzzed. I picked it up from the table. 

Y/N My Beloved

yes ;)

I gasped. She said yes! She actually said yes! I turned back to my monitor. 

"Chat," I said, "They said yes! I have a date to prom!"

Everyone started typing their congratulations to me. There were a few negative comments from some simps, but I ignored those. 

My phone made some noises. Y/N was FaceTiming me. I answered, "Hi! Welcome to the stream!"

I saw her beautiful face, but I kept the screen facing me. I held the phone speaker up to my microphone so chat could hear her. 

"Hi chat!" her happy voice played out of my phone, "and hey there, Ranboo."

"Hey," I said, "So you really said yes?" There'll always be a small part of me that's convinced this is all a fluke. That someone hacked her phone specifically to sabotage me. I try to ignore that part of myself. 

"Yes, of course! I'd love to go to prom with you!" she said, while I was able to put a piece of duct tape over the mouth of my anxiety demon. He won't be giving me more doubts anytime soon. 

I suddenly got a Discord call. I picked up. 

Tubbo's voice rang through my headphones, "Boo, are you cheating on me? How could you? After all our months of being platonically married. Are you just gonna leave me to take care of Michael by myself?"

Y/N responded before I could defend myself, "Why, hello there, Tubbo. Nice to talk to you too," she said sarcastically.

I stepped in, "Hey guys, we can work this out. Tubbo, just let me go to prom, just this once, and I promise I'll..." I thought of a good deal I could make that would keep this bit funny. "I'll feed Michael's chicken for two--no three months!" 

Tubbo hummed, "Ugh, I guess that'll do. But just this once. And Girlboo, you better watch yourself." 

"I'll be watching you too, Bee Boy," Y/N threatened. I pushed a button on my keyboard that seemed like it would've ended Tubbo's called, but in actuality I just deafened myself. 

"So, I guess I'm 'Girlboo' now?" Y/N asked. 

"I guess. Chat, what do you think?" I said. I saw lots of 'girlboo pog' flowing by at a rapid pace, so I assumed they were happy with that nickname. "I think chat likes it. Congrats, you get to experience my horrible dancing,"

"Oh, you haven't seen me try to dance. I'm about as graceful as an ostrich with one leg," 

I laughed. And hoped that Y/N wasn't exaggerating. "Alright chat, I think I'm gonna end stream there. I have to make sure Girlboo doesn't spontaneously combust from smiling so much," I said. 

"Bye chat!" Y/N said. I ended stream and undeafened on Discord. I pulled off my mask and glasses so that Y/N could see my full face. Even though I normally didn't like seeing my own face, Y/N gave me the confidence to reveal it, at least to her.

"Hey thanks for the bit, Tubbo. I knew everyone was gonna mention the whole SMP platonic marriage thing, so I thought we might as well address that now."

"No problem, big man! I'm glad she said yes," Tubbo responded. 

I heard Y/N chuckle. Her laugh was so cute. 

Tubbo brought me out of my thoughts, "Alright, imma go to bed. And by go to bed I mean watch The Office."

"Buddy that's your ninth time this week...but ok. Have fun," I wished him well. 

"Bye Tubbo!" Y/N said. 

Tubbo signed off. I breathed a sigh of relief. Y/N had said yes. Though asking your current girlfriend to prom was less of a shot in the dark than asking her out of the blue, it still got my nerves up. I kept doubting myself, convincing myself that she didn't like me or that this was all just a massive joke. But every little smile she gives me is more reassurance that this is all real. 

"Yo, Boo? You there?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm just...really happy that you said yes," I confessed. 

"Why wouldn't I? I'm just as happy that you asked me."

"I'm not really one for dancing, but it'll be fun if it's with you."

"It sure will be."

I sighed, and looked at her for a few moments. It wasn't creepy; I was her boyfriend. I have a right to admire her beauty. 

"I love your laugh, Y/N. In fact, everything about you is just simply amazing. There's a part of me that believes it's just all a big joke, just because I feel like you're too good to be true. Even though I talk to hundreds of thousands of people live without breaking a sweat, just talking to you has always given me butterflies."

She formed the sweetest smile I'd ever seen, "Aww, Ran, that was beautiful! I honestly can't believe my luck that I was able to find a guy who is so sweet and charming yet can be unbelievably funny."

We spent a few moments just looking at each other. Staring into the screen, admiring each other. It felt good. It felt peaceful. 

It felt right. 

Hi! My goal from now on will always be 1000+ words per chapter so that even if I can't upload quite as much there'll still a good chunk of content for y'all. 

Anyways, have a wonderful day/night! 

Word count: 1045

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