Now It's Planned

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The next day at school, you and Ran presented your Physics project. It went well. You had a little bit of stage fright, but Ran looked pretty comfortable talking to the rest of the class. He was even able to crack a few physics-related jokes.

You had figured now that the project was over, you probably wouldn't talk to Ran ever again. And you hoped that wouldn't be true. You liked him. And you had fun with him. You felt like you could be your true self around him. Like you didn't have to hide.

You hoped he felt the same way about you.

Luckily, your wish sort of came true. You walked into the lunchroom to find Tom sitting at your table next to Eliza, Toby having tagged along too. You and Ran sat across from them. Hayley showed up later and sat next to Eliza, and Cash next to you.

"Hey Ran, how'd that physics presentation go?" Toby asked.

Ran smiled, "It went well, I think." He glanced over at you, and you nodded in agreement.

"I had a little stage fright at first, but Ran seemed pretty confident and that helped me calm down," you added. A little bit of pink seemed to form on Ran's cheeks. But it could've just been the lighting.

Cash looked a little dejected. "What's wrong Cash?" you asked. Not many people would know when he was sad, but you had known him long enough to realize that he was.

He just plastered a smile on his face and said, "Nothing, I'm fine." He rubbed your shoulder and returned to his lunch.

You turned to Eliza, "So, I'm assuming the date went well."

She smiled and leaned her head onto Tom's shoulder, "Yeah, it did." Tom smiled and gave her a kiss on the top of her head, then continued eating his lunch, downing his can of Coke in less than 10 seconds. Impressive.

Eventually, the topic turned to Minecraft. All your friends played it, and Toby seemed pretty into it, too.

"Maybe you should teach Ran a thing or two. He's a total Minecraft newbie," you said to Toby.

Both Ran and Toby looked a little embarrassed. Toby just laughed and said "sure." You wondered what the embarrassment was around Minecraft...

The bell rang to signal that lunch was over. Cash caught you as you were walking down the hall, "Hey Y/N, do you wanna hang out after school today?"

You smiled, "Sure! What do you wanna do?"

"I was thinking we can just chill. Maybe watch Netflix."

"Ok, sounds fun! I'll meet you at your place."

"Alright, cool." You parted ways.

--time skip of like an hour--

Between your next class and your last, Eliza was able to get your attention, "Hey Y/N! I've got a proposal for you..." she said, a smirk on her face.

You sighed. "Ok, I'll bite. What is it?"

"So Tom has a friend who's looking for a date, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in going on a double date with us? Maybe on Wednesday night?"

A date. A blind double date. You considered it. You were looking to have a date at some point. You guessed this was probably the best chance you had.

"You know what? Sure," you said.

Eliza looked happy, "Oh that's great! I can drive you there."

"Awesome. Just a quick question: do I know this person?"

"No, I don't think so. Bye!" she said quickly, rushing down the hall to her next class.

This was gonna be one hell of a week.

Hi everyone! Sorry for the unusually short chapter. 

Anyways, I hope you're liking the story so far! Have a wonderful day/night!

Word count: 620

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