Now He Asks

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Friday. Heck yeah.

After Ran finished his stream the previous night, you'd hopped onto a Discord call. You both decided to keep your relationship a secret for now. Neither of you wanted to make things more complicated. Toby and Hayley were allowed to know about it, though. You both knew they were trustworthy, and they were almost like family anyways. 

You were completely in support of this decision. Eliza was kind of a gossip queen. If you told her something, half the school would know within the hour. So it was best if this information stayed out of Eliza and Tom's hands. 

After getting the more serious issue out of the way, you both just talked long into the night. You were getting into a delirious "I'm not tired" kind of mood, and this honestly made the call 1000% funnier. 

You weren't sure who fell asleep first, but you woke up in the morning to an unfamiliar and distorted alarm sound. You were confused...this was about half an hour before your alarm went off. Then you noticed your phone. 

Ran's discord icon was flashing green on the edges, and you heard him groan as he woke up. 

"Good morning boo," you said, softly, into your phone. 

You heard a small scream on the other end. "Y/N, you startled me. Good morning," Ran said. His voice was a little deeper, as he'd just woken up. You decided you definitely liked his morning voice. 

"How'd you sleep?" you asked, slowly getting out of bed. 

"Pretty good. But I think I've been playing too much Minecraft. I was going through a dungeon and I instinctively tried to check my inventory to see if I had a pickaxe. In real life."

You laughed, "Sometimes when I stub my toe I glance down to see how many hearts I have left," you admitted. 

Ran laughed back at that. "Welp, I'm gonna get ready for school. I'll see you there!"

"See you!" you said. Ran left the call, and you did too. This was going to be a good day. 

--time skip--

The day was good. Lunch went well. Cash didn't attempt to come back. You had both informed Toby and Hayley of your relationship in private, and they were very supportive. 

Eliza and Tom, as expected, dominated the conversation. So it was easy for you and Ran to fall into the background. 

You felt a hand graze over yours from under the table. You silently held it. Luckily, no one noticed. It was nice. 

The rest of the school day went by without a hitch. After school, everyone had gone home, and you and Ran had another Discord call. 

"Are you busy this weekend?" you asked. 

"Actually, I am. I have a pretty big stream planned on Saturday. Then I'll probably have to spend Sunday working out sponsorship stuff," Ran said, with a disappointed tone. 

You frowned, "That's ok. At least I can watch your stream," you said. 

"True. It would actually make me feel better to know you were there."

"Of course. When are you planning on starting?"

"Noon. It's so the Europeans don't ruin their sleep schedule."

"Ah. Well, I'll be there."

"Thank you."

You and Ran continued to chat for a while longer until your mom yelled at you to start your homework. 

The night ended with another continued Discord call. You talked until about one in the morning, both daring each other to hang up first. But neither of you did, and you both fell asleep. 

--next day--

You woke up late the next day. It was Saturday, after all. Your phone was left on your Discord chat with Ran. He must've signed off and then Discord disconnected you from the empty call. He had left a message for you though. 


i didnt want to wake u but i hope u have a good morning! see you at the stream!

You got up, ate some cereal, and just wasted time on your pc until 3pm. You got the notification for Ranboo going live. You hooked up your TV setup and signed on. 

It was a pretty big stream, including a lot of people from the Dream SMP. It was Tommy, Tubbo, Phil, Wilbur, the Dream Team, Karl, Fundy, and of course Ranboo. They started with Among Us, since they happened to have the perfect number of players for it. Ran had a black skin with a crown. It fit. 

The first round, Tommy and Karl were the imposters. Tommy was found out in the first round (Dream caught him being sus), and Karl made a few risky plays and was found a few bodies later. 

Next, Sapnap and Fundy were imposters. Ran died to Sapnap, which you were sad about. You were on your alternate account, so you felt it was ok to spam your sadness in chat. Fundy was about to worm his way out of a few tough accusations, framing Tommy, who always acts sus anyways. This bought them the win. 

Ranboo ended up being an imposter in the third round with Tubbo. They were able to pull off an impressive double-kill, and vouched for each other in conversations. Ranboo also walked in on Dream and George doing Navigation. He just said "DreamNotFound confirmed," and walked away. Wilbur was framed and tossed out, and after an oxygen sabotage and a few quick kills, they had the victory. 

They were only able to get through three rounds before Fundy's chat called him out on playing a dead game. He blamed Dream and everyone switched to Jackbox. 

They played Patently Stupid. You knew the gang. It was chaotic. Phil's was the only one that made sense: a toilet plunger. Ran was stuck with a hard prompt: "I have too many WOMEN". Obviously the prompt was from Tommy. 

His solution? The Woman Repellant 9000. 

"This product releases a scent that is so unbelievably bad, women will just run away from you as fast as possible. Voila! It might work on men too!" Ran pitched. You were laughing so hard you almost forgot how to breath.  

After everyone had presented, the others logged off, and Ran was left with his chat. 

"Chat, before you go, I have something important to do. Something very, very important. This is directed at someone who I've actually been wanting to say this to for a while now. They're smart, beautiful, funny, and they know who they are."

His camera turned on, revealing him in a suit and his mask and glasses. 

And behind him was a massive sign, stating one simple question in big gold lettering:


Ha! You thought I was gonna stop with the suspense? NOPE! Anyways thanks for reading see you in 20,000 years when I upload again

Fun random question: Have you ever played the game Clue? If so, who do you think was the murderer? I'll let you know who did it in the next chapter.

Word count: 1159

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