Now They Dance

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As you pulled up to the venue, you were greeted by a large archway with the words "Essempi High School" written over it. A photographer stood nearby ready to take photos of the incoming guests, and the psychology teacher, Ms Puffy, collecting tickets at a decorated table. 

You immediately grabbed Ran's arm and rushed over to have your picture taken underneath the archway. You replicated a classic prom pose of him putting his arms around your waist, and you both smiled as the photographer snapped the photo. You thanked the man--his name card said he was Noah from a company called Foolish Photography--and handed your ticket to Ms Puffy. She checked your names off the clipboard and said "You're gonna be at Table Five. Have a wonderful time!"

The rest of your friends followed suit in taking pictures and checking in. Ran, Tom and Toby also took a photo together, just so Toby wouldn't be left out. And finally, you walked into the venue. "Table Five" was towards the back of the room, but not too far away from the food. You all put your stuff down and you absorbed the room. 

The prom committee had done its work. The entire room was decorated with suspended colorful lanterns, and a disco ball hung from the ceiling at the center of the dancefloor. The buffet tables were decked out in fairy lights and fancy tablecloths, and the centerpieces were little discs arranged on a glass jar with lights inside. The DJ had his own setup between two large speakers. The sign on the table read "Dream Music" with the logo of a smiley face. 

Currently, a decently upbeat song was playing. Most people were still arriving and just now sitting down, so only a few chaperones and some brave students were out dancing. You spotted Mr Jacobs dancing with the PE teacher, Mr Armstrong, and the Spanish teacher, who most people called Mr Q. They all sucked at dancing but they looked like they were having fun. 

You all sat at the tables and chatted while more students slowly arrived. 

Toby started up a new topic, "Wow, I still can't believe we're seniors. This is our senior prom. We're gonna graduate in," he counted with his fingers, "like, a month and a half?" 

"Oh. I didn't think it was coming that fast," you admitted, "I honestly still feel like I just started...time is a weird thing."

Ran just hummed in agreement, "We're gonna be full-blown adults soon. Like, our real lives are going to start. It's strange to think about."

Tom looked down at the table, "I gotta stay here for another year..."

Toby patted him on the back, "You'll get through it. I know you will."

"But, without all of you guys? My friends? Without you, Toby? Who even am I without you?" 

Toby smiled slightly, "Yourself?"

Tom just said "I love you, bro" and gave Toby a side hug without standing up. Toby smiled. At the end of the day, after all the banter, they really were good brothers. 

After a little while, you saw the doors open up to the buffet section of the venue. It was chicken as the main course, with some fancy salad bar toppings as a vegan option, some gravy, and fruit as a side. 

You stood up and gestured to the rest of your table to get food. You stood in line for a few minutes as the other students shuffled past the various dishes. 

The chicken looked good, so you put some on your plate and made a small salad next to it, topping off the chicken with some gravy. Ran was behind you and went for more chicken and less salad. Hayley, who you knew was vegetarian, just made herself a salad and picked out some fruit. The rest of your group shuffled on behind you as you poured yourself some lemonade from the pitcher. 

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