Now We Shop!

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This chapter picks up a few months after the last--about two weeks before Prom.

Also, there will be some made-up timelines and events that don't necessarily coincide with real life. It's just to make the story work better. Hope y'all are ok with that :)

"How about this one?"

That question had been asked so many times in the last three hours that you were now sick of hearing it.

Yes, prom dress shopping was a big deal. But you had already found a dress you loved about 90 minutes prior. Eliza, however, had gone through the entire store, trying on dresses multiple times and comparing their tiniest details. Hayley was there too having already been fitted for a suit, looking just as bored but at least trying to stay optimistic. 

As you responded "That looks great" for the four thousandth time to Eliza's question, you reflected on the past few months of your life. 

Following the start of your relationship with Ran, also known online as several nicknames such as Ranboob, Genderman, Emotionally Unstable Oreo and The Blood Prince, your life had gotten significantly more interesting. Firstly, after revealing your relationship to Eliza and Tom at the beginning of a school day, the entire student body knew by lunchtime. Everyone was talking about it, and Cash was sulking. You didn't care. Not one bit. 

The school was not the only community that knew of your relationship. Ran's fanbase also experienced "Girlboo" as a frequent guest on his streams. You even showed up in identical sunglasses and a mask, helping Ran bake some cookies to celebrate reaching three million subscribers on YouTube. They were meant to look like Ranboo's Minecraft face, with a black and white frosting base and green and red lines for the eyes, but they ended up looking more like a mess. 

Ran couldn't cook, and you weren't much better, but luckily neither of you died of food poisoning. 

You had kept the fact that you were Techno's sister a secret, though Ranboo's creator friends knew, and it became an inside joke. You had almost let it slip by calling Techno "bro" once in a stream, but no one noticed. Though "sisterblade" did exist, the audio quality for those few appearances were worse, so again, no one noticed besides a few skeptics that were quickly shut down by the rest of the community. 

You and Ran hadn't yet kissed. You for sure wanted to, but if he wasn't ready, you were perfectly willing to accept that. It would be his first kiss, after all. But just imagining your first kiss with made you feel warm inside. 

Your thoughts were interrupted by Hayley--quite literally--jumping out of her seat. You looked over at her, "What happened?"

She was staring at her phone, in complete surprise. "Esme asked me to prom!" she exclaimed. 

Esme was a person at your school that Hayley had grown to befriend, quite a lot. Hayley had admitted to you that she liked Esme, but she assumed that nothing would come from it.

"That's great!" you exclaimed, offering Hayley a high-five. She slapped your hand, then immediately began texting Esme back, telling them she accepted. 

Eliza rushed out of the fitting room, her dress not yet zipped, "Esme asked you to prom??" she asked, and when Hayley nodded, she hugged her, saying "I'm so happy for you!"

You felt a tiny bit left out of the hug, so you joined in. You all giggled in happiness. 

"That means we all have dates!" Eliza realized, "We should have a before-party to take pictures!" You saw Eliza's eyes light up as she was starting to imagine the gathering. She was muttering things under her breath about decorations and food. 

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