Now They Split

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You woke up the next morning to your alarm. What a weird dream...ironically, it was about Dream. Something about iron doors.

You got up to start the day. It was a Thursday. School. You remembered you were going to ask Cash about--

Oh. Right. The thing that happened last night.

Cash isn't...your friend anymore.

Wait, what would this mean for your friends? They were friends with Cash too...You wanted Eliza and Hayley to be on your side but...if Cash talked to them first...oh no.

You grabbed your phone and immediately called Hayley. It rung twice, then she answered.


"Hi Hayley, it's me. I just...wanted to fill you in about something. Cash and I...kinda got into a fight last night. So I don't know what's gonna happen or if he's talked to you yet..." you told her the gist of what had happened in the parking lot the previous night, just leaving out the fact that Ran confessed too.

Hayley let you speak, then said, "Oh no, I'm so sorry. I haven't heard anything from Cash. Just know that I'm here for you 100%."

You smiled. You could always count on Hayley to have your back, "Thank you. I'm glad I have a good friend like you to support me. I'll see you at school."

"I'm happy to have a good friend like you! See you at school!"

You pressed the "end call" button. That went well. Now you just needed to make sure Eliza was all caught up.

You tapped on Eliza's contact. The phone rang five times before she picked up.

"Yeah?" you heard her voice come through. She'd obviously just woken up."

"Hi Eliza. It's Y/N. I just...wanted to fill you in about something--"

Eliza cut you off, "Oh how was your date?"

"The dinner part was nice. Although this was obviously a setup by someone to get me to go out with Ran," you said, your sarcasm being very clear.

"Hehe, I knew you guys wouldn't make a move, so I thought I'd give you a little...push."

"Is your mom okay or was that a lie?"

"Yeah, that was a lie. And Tom didn't have to work late either."

Of course. You sighed, "Anyways, that's not what I called you about. I...had a fight with Cash."

There was a short period of silence, and you were about to start telling Eliza what happened, when she said, "Oh. Cash already told me." Her tone was a little cold.

"Okay...I just wanted to make sure you knew what happened. I was--"

Eliza cut you off again, this time a bit more harshly. "Yeah, I know what happened. See you in school, I guess." You heard a click and then just dial tone.

So Cash had gotten to her first. You wondered how he had told the story. But it obviously didn't make you look good.

You just started getting ready for school. Today was going to be a tough day.

~~time skip~~

Your first few classes went fine. You were a bit sad, and scared for what might happen if you run into Cash or Eliza, but now it was time for physics. You were kind of nervous to see Ran again, since he ran away after confessing to you, but you were still happy to see him at all.

You sat down in your usual seat. Most of the class was there, but Ran's desk sat empty. The last few students trickled in as the late bell rang. Still no Ran.

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