Now You Know

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might discontinue this book

LOL just kidding here's the next chapter <3 Sorry for the cliffhanger

You immediately pulled back from Cash, putting your hand over your mouth in shock.

"Cash?" you said against your hand, getting a bit angry about him kissing you without your consent first, "what are you doing? Why did you do that?"

His face lost most of its confidence, "Y/N, I like you. I've liked you for a long time. And I couldn't bear to see you go out with another guy. So I started dropping hints, but you never saw them. I thought you liked me back, and so I told myself to just go for it."

You didn't say anything for a few seconds, letting it all sink in, "Cash, I didn't could've just told me. But just doing that? Not cool."

Ran stayed silent, standing a few paces behind you.

Cash still stayed looking stiff, "If it was just us, I might've apologized and been over it. But since you seem to have chosen someone else," he said, moving his gaze to Ran, "I don't think I'll let this go so quickly."

You didn't know what to say. You didn't like Cash. That was for sure. At least not like that.

But you also didn't want to lose him as a friend. You and Cash had been best friends since freshman year.

You wanted to say that you hadn't "chosen" Ran yet, but...

You wanted to. You wanted to choose Ran. You liked him.

Wait...did you? You didn't know entirely quite yet, but it was getting pretty close to a crush.

Either way, you were left speechless as Cash walked to his car, turned it on, and sped away, giving you one last angry glare before turning out of the parking lot.

And that's when it hit you.

You started crying, after seeing your best friend drive away, angry at you. And you had no idea how to repair it besides pretending to like him, which would only lead to more heartbreak.

Formality be damned, you were sobbing in the middle of a parking lot.


What just happened? Why did Cash show up and do that? Now my date was crying...that's never a good sign. I didn't know exactly what to do, but I did know that sad = comfort person = less sad. So I walked up to Y/N and gently wrapped her into a hug, which she graciously accepted.

Some of her tears left a wet spot on my shirt, but I didn't mind. I kept holding her. She was clutching to me even tighter now, though she seemed to not be crying as hard.

I pulled back slightly so I could see her face. "Let's get you home, okay?"

She nodded and, with her still holding onto my arm, I led the way to my car.

We both got in and sat in silence for a few moments, processing what happened. Y/N didn't say anything, and I had the sense that she wanted to get home, so I started the car and slowly pulled out of the lot.

Neither of us said anything for most of the trip. I glanced her way at red lights and stop signs, just to make sure she was doing okay. She mainly just looked out the window.

At one particular red light, Y/N said, in a voice barely louder than a whisper and slightly hoarse from crying, "I'm sorry your first ever date got ruined."

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