Now He Knows

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This chapter contains like, exactly one swear word. Just a heads up :)

You knew exactly what to do after school. You went home, took a can of chicken noodle soup from the cabinet, and put it in a pot on the stove. Luckily you didn't burn the house down. After a few minutes, you found a thermos and poured in the finished soup. The thermos happened to have a pig sticker on it, but you were sure Ran wouldn't mind. You let Techno know you were going out, then pulled up Ran's address on your phone, which he'd given to you for the physics project.

It wasn't a far drive; only about fifteen minutes. You grabbed the soup and walked up to the front door and knocked.

A relatively tall woman answered the door. You assumed this was Ran's mother.

"Hi!" you said, "I'm Y/N. I heard Ran was sick?"

"Oh hi Y/N! Nice to meet you. Ran said he had a little cough this morning, but he seems to be fine now. Would you like to come in?"

"Sure, thank you," you said, and walked in the door past Ran's mom.

"Ran is upstairs in his room if you'd like to give him that yourself. From a safe distance, of course. Second door on the left," Ran's mom said.

You nodded in thanks and headed upstairs. You knocked on the door you'd presumed to be Ran's.

"Hey Ran? It's me, Y/N. I heard you were sick, so I brought you some soup."

You heard a bit of shuffling, then the door opened. Ran stood before you, looking as healthy as ever.

"Hi Y/N. I'm actually not sick. So you can come in," he said, gesturing inside his room, "but thanks for the soup. That's very thoughtful of you." He took the thermos from your hands and set it down on his nightstand.

You walked into the room and Ran shut the door behind you. "Toby said you were sick though?"

He looked embarrassed, "Yeah, I actually...didn't want to come to school. I just...couldn't manage seeing Cash. I feel terrible for lying, but the thought of Cash confronting me scared me even more."

"Oh. I...I understand." You wished Ran hadn't lied, but you could see his point. You almost wished you'd thought of that. "Cash was pretty scary. But we handled it. There was a conflict during lunch, and now Cash is sitting by himself."

"Not to be rude, but he deserves it. It's terrible what he did to you last night."

"It was. A-and thanks for being there for me."

He hummed. You both just smiled at each other in silence for a few moments. You decided it was time for you to speak what had been on your mind since last night.

"I...I like you too, Ran," you said, in barely a whisper.

Ran looked a little shocked, but you could tell he was delighted, "Y-you do?"


Ran smiled wide. He threw his arms over your shoulders and pulled you in for a hug. You wrapped your arms around his torso and rested your head against his chest. You could hear his heart beating fast.

You stayed in the embrace for a few moments longer. When you pulled apart, you took the opportunity to look around the room. There was a pretty impressive gaming setup, complete with a lighted keyboard, a microphone and a...unicorn chair?

You also noticed a few things on the shelves against the wall. Ranboo merch. Plushies, the YouTooz, everything. And on his desk? A black and white mask, and sunglasses with red and green arms. This could only mean...

Now You Know | Ranboo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now