Now We Sit

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You drove Cash to your house after school. You both walked inside and set down your backpacks and took off your shoes. You said hi to (your pet) and sat down on the couch in the living room. Cash got two cans of (your favorite soft drink) from your kitchen and sat down next to you. 

You grabbed the remote and scrolled to the Netflix show you were currently in the middle of watching with Cash. You were towards the end of the third season (pick whatever show you want that has 3 or more seasons). You simply pressed 'play' and sipped at the soda can Cash had gotten for you. 

Cash reached for the blanket at the end of the couch and pulled it over both of your laps. You were sitting relatively close but not touching. Nothing that friends wouldn't do, right?

You continued watching the show. You heard your phone buzz from the table and leaned forward to check it. Just an email. It was spam. Awesome. 

Cash attempted to put his arm around Y/N. But, at that exact moment, she reached down to get her phone. What brilliant luck. Cash pulled his arm back and tried not to blush. 

Cash was blushing. You didn't know why. Whatever, you just turned your eyes back to the TV. 

You binged through about three hours of the show. You thought you heard your brother rustling around the kitchen downstairs, but you didn't feel like turning around to watch him make a bowl of cereal. 

Cash had to go home for dinner, so you drove him home, discussing the show the whole way there. He got out of the car and waved to you. You waved back and then put the car in reverse and looked out the rearview window to safely back out of the driveway. 

Cash blew a kiss to Y/N. But at that exact moment, she turned her head around to back up. Again, brilliant luck. He guessed he'd have to try harder next time...

You put on your favorite songs on the way home. You were pretty happy. But, you were worried. You didn't know what would come of the blind date that you'd be attending in just two short days. You had only ever been on one date before, with some guy you had only really had that one date with. The date itself went well, but the relationship just didn't work out. It was a pretty nasty breakup. 

This, however, you didn't know how to prepare for. You knew both Hayley and Eliza were working tonight. So, that left you with only one person for advice...

Your brother. 

You got home and walked up to your brother's room. You knocked softly but didn't wait for his response before opening the door. He wasn't streaming, to your delight. 

"Hey, Techno? Could I talk to you about a few things?" you asked. 

He spun around in his chair, "Can I ask what it's about?"

"I...need some advice."

His gaze softens, "Sure."

You sat on his bed and he turned in his chair to face you. You began, "My friend invited me on a blind double date. I know you're probably not the best person to ask about this, but I just needed to talk to someone."

Techno laughed, "I definitely don't have much experience," he said, gesturing to his gaming setup, "but I can still give some general advice. I guess just...stay true to yourself. You're not obligated to like the person you're 'paired' with." 

You nodded, "Yeah, that's probably good advice. I'm mainly nervous about being on a date in general...after what happened with Justin." 

You had been pretty heartbroken when you had to break up with Justin. He was rude to you, treating you more like a prize than a significant other. You had just stayed in your room crying during those times, hiding your sadness from your friends. You had leaned on Techno for support when he wasn't busy, so he knew what you went through. 

Techno embraced you, "I know it probably hurts to think about, but rest assured, this new person won't be him. If your friends are really your friends, they'd make sure your date is a good match for you." 

"But am I going to be expected this person?"

Techno shook his head and released the hug, "That's up to you."

You smiled. Even though Techno always presented himself as tough online, he had a soft side in real life. He was a good brother, and you were glad to be able to talk to him. 

"Are you doing anything this evening?" you asked him. 

"Not really. Why?"

"Can some Minecraft together?"

Techno laughed and rubbed your shoulder, "Sure. Just be prepared to lose if you decide to turn on me."

You ran to your room and booted up Minecraft, launching the server Techno had made for you to play on with him a while back. You put on your headset and called Techno over Discord as his piglin skin spawned into the world. He picked up, "Hey sis. Ready to get absolutely crushed?"

"You bet. How about we do a speedrunner vs hunter?"

He chuckled, "You know I'd just immediately destroy you as a hunter."

"That's why you're the speedrunner."

"Ooh, changing it up this time. I'll still have you beat."

"You're on."

You did the countdown, and Techno ran off as you said "two." 

"HEY! That's cheating!"

"Talk to my lawyer!" Techno said as he sprinted towards the nearest tree. 

He ended up killing you several times throughout the first five minutes, in which time he was up to iron tools and was in the process of finding a lava lake. 

He didn't know you were waiting for him by the nearest lava lake, which you'd found earlier. 

He immediately started making the portal when he came across the lake, and you were able to sneak up from behind and crit him with an iron axe. 

"Hey what was-" Techno began before falling into lava due to the knockback. He swung at you with his sword before dying to lava. "HEH?"

You laughed. "HAH! I GOT YOU! I TOLD you I'd win!"

You heard your door burst open and Techno pulled you out of your chair into a non-painful headlock, "But you won't win in real life!"

You struggled against him, tickling him until he was forced to let go. You were both laughing out of your minds. 

Today was a good day. And you felt a lot more confident about the date tomorrow. You may not know who you're paired with, but one thing's for sure:

You loved your anarchist piglin brother. 

Ranboo POV:


Thanks for reading booooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis! Sorry this chapter ended up being so chaotic I was writing this while sick and I may have gone just a liiiiiiiiiittle crazy. 

Word count: 1151

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