Now We Work

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Ah, Sunday. A good day to sleep in. And sleep in you did. Noon, to be exact.

After a quick breakfast/probably more of a lunch at this point, you made the executive decision to stay in your pjs for the rest of the day.

You lounged around in your room until your phone buzzed. You stretched off your bed to reach it on your nightstand.


hey do u wanna work on that physics project today?


sure what time


1:30? at ur place?


sounds good. see u then


see u

Well, you had to get out of your pajamas now. Dang.

But in the meantime, you ordered Tubbo's new merch hoodie. You didn't think Techno would stop being lazy long enough to get you a hoodie, so you took matters into your own hands.

You threw on the first outfit you found: (whatever outfit you feel comfortable in).

Soon enough, you heard a knock on your door. You went downstairs to see Ran outside, your mom talking to him.

"Hi Ran!" you said.

"Hi Y/N," he replied.

Your mom, getting the cue, said, "Ok, looks like you guys have it figured out. I'll be down here if you need me." She walked away into the kitchen, while you led Ran upstairs to your room.

You realized that you should've prioritized cleaning up more than ordering Tubbo's merch. Your room was pretty messy.

"Sorry, I haven't cleaned in a while..." you started apologizing.

"No worries. My room is way worse," Ran said, moving a stack of books off a chair so he could sit down. The chair was just to the side of your desk.

You sat down at your own desk chair and fired up your PC. Ran took out his own laptop and opened it. You both loaded up the physics presentation.

For once, you were able to focus. It was helpful having another person there to keep you on track. Soon enough, you had finished writing the slides, and started rehearsing the talking portion. There wasn't a script; it was all on the fly.

It was about 3pm when you considered the project to be done. Ran got up to leave, but you cut him off, "Hey, you can stay a bit later if you want," you offered.

"Ok," he said, sitting back down, "what do you wanna do?"

You thought for a moment, "Have you played Minecraft?"

"Uh, only a bit."

"I can teach you," you said, launching Minecraft and creating a new world. "Ran's world," you called it.

You moved from your seat and let Ran sit down in front of you PC, while you took his chair. Naturally, he placed his hands on the keyboard and mouse in the perfect position to play Minecraft.

The character spawned in, and Ran moved it to start punching down a tree. His hand movements looked a little...exaggerated. Like he was trying to hide something.

Nevertheless, he finished cutting down the tree and moved to the next one. After a few more trees, he spoke up, "So do you wanna like, build a house or something?"

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