Chapters 7- Fast Hearts

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Tianna's POV

Surprisingly enough dinner with my parents was not as bad as I thought it would have been. My father did not bring up what happened on Sunday, he spoke to me about my new place and school. My mother told me about some benefit they had to attend and told me I had the option if I wanted to attend or not. It was a scary change but I was willing to embrace it. I was more comfortable around the table with them because I ate all my food and chatted with them until it was time for me to leave.

Jarred's Chat

Jarred: Hey pretty lady, need some company?

Me: he Jarred, I just got back from my parents' house.

Jarred: So that's a no?

Me: I am tired and need some rest but we could do lunch tomorrow.

Jarred: Ok let's do lunch

Me: OK, good night.

I had to find a way to make some time for Jarred but I did not want him at my house right now. I hope he is not getting ideas in his head or changed his mind about our plans. I had no time to send mix signals to anyone. The person I had any interest for acted as if he wanted me to chase him.

Molly's Chat:

Molly: Baby princess, I'm heading to little link up yuh want me to swing by to get you?

Me: What kind?

Molly: Bunch of guys with cars link up and do a little racing until the police comes

Me: Where?

Molly: Hope road.

Me: Come get me but and laying low

Molly: No problem.

Me: cool

Sammy's Chat

Me: Hey Sam going to hang out with Molly for a bit, you want to us to pick you up?

Sammy: Where?

Me: So car racing link up

Sammy: Ok, gonna get ready.

I tipped my security like Sammy told me to so he could give me some space. He told me that he had to stay close by me but not visible, I told him that was ok. I made sure to put a hoody just to not stick out. We picked up Sammy and made our way to the location. A small crowd was gathered, drinking, smoking and playing music from cars or just hanging around. I've always heard about it but I have never been to one. I told Molly that I would not stay long but if I was ready before her I could call my security to pick me up. I made sure to stay clear of the crowd and just watched everyone form a distance.

A baby blue sports two door BMW pulled in with loud music blasting from the speakers, it commanded attention for sure. Everyone was looking and cheering the vehicle on. I looked to see who the attention loving driver was, he got out of the car and Daniel it was. I pulled the hoody down more on my face and watched as he greeted everyone.

"Your boyfriend is here" Molly whispered in my ears.

"He's not my boyfriend" I replied.

"Are you gonna say hi?" She asked.

"Nah, mi good man" I said.

Before I knew it she was calling him over where we were standing. I asked her why she was calling him over here but she totally ignored me. Sammy said she was going to get something to drink so I was stuck there. He walked over and hugged Molly then he realize it was me who was hiding under the shadows.

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