Chapter 25- Casualties

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Daniel's POV

I was thinking long and hard about Tianna while on the highway way. I wanted to get back her as soon as I was finished with this trip. My father and I were in the same vehicle because he wanted to talk to me while travelling. I didn't mind because I always learn something new from him every time we had a conversation.

We were laughing about something my mother did that made herself angry and she somehow found a way to blame him for it.

The cars ahead of us stopped but we didn't understand why. We heard when out security asked if everything was ok over the two way radio but he did get a respond.

"Maybe it's some traffic situation up front" my father said.

We waited a little while before we made any move. The driver exited the cars that were behind us.

"Take cover!" A voice came over the radio.

Before we could even think we heard loud splatters on the bulletproof windows. They were gunshot hitting the glass. My father and I were on then floor of the vehicle  praying that the bullets did shatter the glass.

Our driver started to drive and he was moving as fast as he could and I could still here gunshots ringing out. I couldn't tell what happen after the car flipped two times and ended up onto the other side of the highway. I blocked out.

Sammy's POV

I had every life In my hands right now. There was so much I could do with all this information but I need to make sure the it reached the right hands.

What I will do is release a little bit of it to the media so they can be aware of what I know then I will start my quest for power.
I will blackmail who I can and get whatever I need from everyone. I will sell the information back to them while remaining anonymous. I just need to pick the best media house to send it to.

I took up my laptop and log on to Instagram only to see breaking news. An attack was made on Opposition Leader Hyman and is securities today on the highway. I immediately thought about Daniel.

I picked up the phone and called him but there was no answer. I called Molly to asked her if she heard what happen she said she was by Tianna. I told her I was on my way. I had to go there and pretend as if I was just showing up.

Tianna POV

I was pacing back and forth and checking the news and the pages oline to see if there was any new updates on the attack. I have never been this nervous or scared in my life. Part of me wanted to blame myself and the next part was telling me i need to stay strong.

"Molly anything new?" I asked.

"No just the same news everyone is reporting" She said.

"This is bad Molly, this is really fucking bad. What if Daniel got hurt? What if he doesn't make, I couldn't live with myself" I said.

I felt as if my head was going to explode. Everything got foggy and I hit the floor.

Molly's POV

Tianna fell to the ground and I had to call the nurse that was living on the complex. She quickly come with her kit and bags. She checked her and gave her something to smell and she was back.

"Tianna, can you hear me?" She asked.

She could barely talk. We took her up and put into the  bed and the nurse placed a cold compress on her  forehead.

"Do we need to take her to the hospital?" I asked.

"No her BP is ok and her pulse is strong. She might be a little dehydrated" She said.

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