Chapters 26- Gut Feelings

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Daniel's POV

I woke up in the hospital with a broken leg and bandages around my shoulder. I was in pain all over and I could barely make out anyone in my room for a minute.

"Danny" I heard my mother's voice.

"Mom?" I said.

"Daniel take it easy, your shoulder is fractured and you have broken leg" She said.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Your dad is ok. He just suffered a small head injury but he will be ok"  she said.

Everything was foggy, my mouth was dry, I needed some water.

"Water?" I asked.

My mother poured a cup of water and fed me with it. I was feeling a little scared because I knew something really bad happened to us on that highway.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked my mother.

She looked at the nurse who was taking my vitals and she immediately knew that my mother was asking her to excuse so we could have talk in private

"What it seems at the moment is that your father was the target. Someone knew he was going to St. Ann and set up an attack. Apparently your father was supposed to be in two vehicles ahead of the one you and he was in. That car got hit the most and the driver and one security died" She said.

I couldn't wrapped my head around this. My father wasn't even the Prime Minister so why would he be a target?

"Why would someone want him dead?"

"I don't know son. The election is coming and you know how politics gets dangerous around this time" She said.

My thoughts went to Tianna. Could her father be behind this hit? I know he and my father had their differences over the years but why wait until he was out of Kingston? This does not seem like the work of Beckford. He was too strategic to fail a mission like this.

"What's going to happen? Someone is after my father so they won't stop until the job is completed" I said.

"Well now that you are awake, your father suggested that we should go to a safe place for now. So within a hour we will be leaving this hospital" She said.

My mind flash back to Tianna again. I wonder how she was doing? She wanted to see me so badly and now all this chaos.

"Is it possible for me to call someone?" I asked.

"No Danny, not until we are sure that we are safe" She said.

She was right. I couldn't risk putting my family in any danger right now. As soon as I am in the clear I will get word out to Tianna and let her know that I am ok. For now I had to stay put and lay low until we knew what was going on.

Jarred POV

Still no word on Hyman or his father. I wouldn't mind if both were dead, this would have made everything easier for me.
I was at my parents house because everyone was told to stay inside until future notice. I was laughing to myself knowing that I was the reason for everyone's fright.

"What the fuck did you do?" Satin asked.

I had just walked into my room and she was sitting there waiting for me.

"Well nice to see you too sis, you heard about the attack?" I asked.

I was even in the mood to talk right now because Sammy didn't show up to our place and she was unreachable. Now wasn't not the time to bicker with Satin.

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