Chapter 10

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Disclaimer - I do not own Loki or any other Marvel characters

When morning came you jumped out of bed and got ready. You were hoping today was an easier training day since you didn't get that much sleep last night. When you were finally dressed your jogged down to the gym floor as a warmup. You wore just a plain pare of black leggings and a black sports bra.

When you finally got to the training room you noticed Loki and Steve sparing with Tony off to the side observing. Loki was actually a pretty good combat fighter and when he used his magic he was even better.

You just ignored them and walked over to the other sparing arena where Clint was waiting for you. Natasha and Bruce were in a little booth with Fury that records everything, plays music, and it's just an observation booth for when Fury comes.

You and Clint spared for a little bit before you heard the intercom turn on.

"I want to see Reeves and Loki fight for a minute," Fury said making you stop fighting with Clint. Loki had already pinned Steve to the ground when he heard Fury. He let go of Steve before walking over to your sparing arena.

As he walked up you stared at him with a blank expression before backing up to your side of the arena. When Loki entered the arena you immediately jumped up into the air and swung your lag around to hit his side. It hit him but he also caught your foot. He flipped you backwards before you immediately got back up.

You went to throw a punch when he caught it and spun your around to where he was choking you with your own arm.

"I've got to say, Mk, you look ravishing in that outfit," Loki said with a smirk. You growled before ducking down and flipping a Loki over your back and onto the ground. He was still holding onto your arm so you placed your foot on his side and twisted his arm. He then grabbed your other ankle and pulled, making you fall to the ground. You kicked him off before backhand springing off of the ground and back to your feet.

"I've seen enough," Fury said making you stop and look over at him. You then glanced back at Loki before exiting the sparing arena and walking over to the water bottles. By then everyone was off doing their own things, weights, target practice, more sparing, stretches, you name it.

When you had to go back to your workout you could practically feel someone watching you. You tried to brush it off but the hair on the back of your neck wouldn't go down. It really got bad when you had to do weight squats. You couldn't really hide either because Stark thought it would be a good idea to put mirrors all over the room.

After you were done though you exited the gym and went to go freshen up. After you got done showering you blow dried your hair and changed clothes before walking to the kitchen. You hadn't eaten since the day before and you were about out of energy completely. You ended up deciding to make bacon and eggs for brunch when literally everyone walked in.

Luckily only Clint and Tony wanted eggs and bacon as well but after it was all done you noticed Loki having trouble with the tea kettle.

"What are you doing?" You asked him as he kept fiddling with it.

"Trying to figure this, thing out," Loki said an an annoyed tone.

"Who told you this thing still worked?" You asked him with half a smirk.

"Stark," Loki said in an even more annoyed tone.

"Have you ever tired iced tea instead of hot?" You asked him again.

"Are we playing a million questions like we did when we first met, Mk?" Loki asked you with a smirk. You just stared at him with a amused look.

"Coffee it is," you finally said before getting the coffee machine ready before opening the cabinet and lifting yourself up to grab two mugs.

When the coffee was finally ready you gave him the liquid to try. After he tried it he ended up burning his mouth. You chuckled as you gave him a few ice cubes to put in his coffee.

"What are those?" He asked as you put them in.
You gave him a look before taking a spoon and stirring it around till the ice melted.

"Ice cubes, don't you have any on Asgard," you said as you both started to walk into the living room.

"No actually," he said before sitting down besides you on the couch.

"I'm guessing you don't have movies on Asgard so let's just watch a theatrical play," you said as you grabbed the remote.

"Depends which one it it," Loki said before taking a drink of his coffee again.

"What about Six," you asked him.

"What's it about?"

"The six wives of King Henry the XIII," you said as you clicked on the movie.

"Six wives?" He asked you in a bit of a startled tone.

"Yea, the order goes, Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived," you explained as it started. He hummed as he got the concept before it started.

After the show was done you got up to grab a snack

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After the show was done you got up to grab a snack.

"What about popcorn have you ever had that?" You asked him. He shook his head as you opened a bag and put it in the microwave. As it was heating up you walked back to change to a different movie.

"How about a Disney movie now. There's Finding Nemo, Stitch, The Lion King, and about 100 others," you said as you switched to Disney Plus.

"Whatever you want to watch I'm fine with," he said with a small smile. You smiled back before choosing the Lion King since it was a classic and going and retrieving the popcorn.

When you brought the bowl back he was a bit hesitant to try it but you could tell he liked it when he tried it.

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