Chapter 1

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Disclaimer - I do not own Loki or any other Marvel characters

Your heels made a slight tapping sound as you stroke into the museum you had worked at for approximately three months. It had been the longest you had ever kept a job without an accident, but you also found it very peaceful there.

You had always loved everything art, history, and biology, so what better way than work at a museum that happened to have all of that. Your family however didn't share your interests, they would rather wrestle in the mud than even consider even looking in the direction of a book. Sure they had taught you self defense and how to control your abilities to an extent, but that's about how useful they had been for you.

You checked into the front desk before walking down a few halls until you stopped at the nature exhibits.

"Ooo la la, you look good today," one of the security guards said as you walked past her. You smiled and shook your head in embarrassment as you stopped. She had been your friend since day one, she usually worked night shifts but she switched to day shifts.

"Hey, Patty," you said with a smile.

"I love that outfit, so elegant, so simple, and so fashionable," she complimented.

(I love this outfit and I don't know why)

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(I love this outfit and I don't know why)

"And, I got all of it at the thrift store," you said with a smile. Patty just gaped in surprise.

"You gotta take me with you next time you go, every time I go it's just old lady dresses and old crusty rags," she joked as you both started walking.

"The secret is to go to the bougie side of the city and look there," you said before walking into your office.

You placed your keys, phone, and purse down on your desk before sitting down in your chair. Patty sat down in her chair on the other side of the desk as she usually did.

"So what's new with you, I haven't seen you in a few days?" Patty asked you.

"Oh, I was, umm, it was just family drama, it's pretty boring stuff," you said making up an excuse. The real reason was because it was a full moon, usually you can control it and you don't change but your mother had called you and called you a disgrace before threatening to expose you as a werewolf. Let's just say you didn't take it to well.

"Hmm, well, it was pretty boring here without you, but I did see some strange man in an eyepatch come in here yesterday while you were gone. Real scary looking, he went and got the manager and then unlocked your office and just walked on in. I didn't see what he was looking for though," she explained making you go silent. Before she could see your worried expression though you smiled and waved it off.

"It was probably a safety inspection or something like that," you lied, but you knew what they were looking for. They were looking for your work, your files, anything that would tell them where you lived or who your family was.

You then looked down at your watch and sighed.

"I have a tour to do in about 5 minutes, I'll see you later Patty," you said as you got up from your chair.
"There are snacks in my cabinet if you want anything," you then said as you walked out the door.

"I know where they are," she said as she got up. You simply laughed at her antics before striding back down the halls towards the front desk and to your group of people in which you would be leading.

When you got there however, there was only about 5 people, and they all looked vaguely familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it. You shook it off before smiling and placing your hands together.

"Alrighty, is this everyone then?" You asked in a sweet voice.

"Yup," a man with a small beard and mustache said before a woman with red hair nudged him in the side.

"Okay, let's get going then. Where to first?" You asked them as you started to walk.

"Whatever exhibit is the most interesting," a tall man with glasses and blonde hair said.

"To the indigenous peoples exhibit it is then. I have always found the indigenous peoples of America and South America to be very interesting. Their culture and religions were all so different and unique, and each tribe had their own beliefs, traditions, and  abilities. The Comanche were skilled horsemen, the Lakota honorable hunters, the Cherokee great farmers and ranchers, the Cheyenne formidable survivalists and warriors, and the list goes on. Each tribe is different, each tribe has a certain thing that sets them apart from others," you explained as you entered the Native American exhibits. As soon as you rounded the corner there was a large exhibit of Buffalo running off of a cliff and falling.

"This is one of the most unique and most famous techniques that the Crow tribes used to hunt Buffalo. But they were not the first ones to use this technique, tribes that lived back in 4,000 B.C. used this method to hunt not only ancient species of Buffalo, but also wooly mammoths, wooly rhinos, and ancient ancestors of horses we know today," you explained before moving along.

"Did any tribes believe in shape shifting, maybe wolves in particular?" The guy with the mustache and beard asked you. You froze before smiling and turning towards him.

"Well... many tribes credit the actual creator of the earth to be a wolf. The Arikara and Ojibwe believed a wolfman spirit made the Great Plains for them and for other animals, and many tribes consider wolves to be closely related to humans, but I wouldn't say they believed in Werewolves," you said nervously as you avoided their eyes.

"Didn't some tribes refer to Werewolves as either Wendigos, skinwalkers, witiku, or limikkin," the red head asked you. You flinched at all those names, they were all names you were accused of but you weren't any of them.

"Wendigo, Witikus, and limikkins are evil spirits, and Skinwalkers are witches," you explained in a half annoyed tone. She nodded in understanding before you all moved along, further into the exhibit, further away from others.

"So what are your thoughts on werewolves?" The woman asked while you guys walked.

"They are just legends, folktales to keep children from staying out past midnight," you said unenthusiastically.

"Maybe this will change your mind," the woman said before you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder. You reached behind you and pulled whatever it was that was in your back but by the time you started to look at it your vision had already gotten blurry. You stumbled around for a few moments before you fell down, the tall blonde man with glasses, catching you.

(One down, *counts fingers* I don't know how many to go. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, more to come later and I know this veered off a long ways from where the other one was but I like this one a lot more so far.)

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