Chapter 27

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Disclaimer - I do not own Loki or any other Marvel characters - I also do not own Lucifer Morningstar

When you both got back to the building you both got out as Lucifer walked over to his building as you started walking to your car.

"And after the papers are signed I think it would be most convenient if you just moved in with me, if we are to be joined that is," Lucifer called back to you making you exhale dramatically.

"So bring all my stuff here tomorrow?" You asked him tapping your fingers on the door of your car. He simply smiled before opening the door to his building and walking inside with a little bit of a pep in his step. You growled before getting into your car and driving off.

~ Back on Asgard ~

"This entire wedding was to bring two realms closer together but now all I'm seeing are the acts of a selfish girl," Odin said as he sat on his throne, looking down at Amethyst. Her father stood off to the side as did Loki and Frigga, waiting to see what Odin had to say.

"They weren't completely selfish, Alfheim was suffering because we have not been able to grow as much food and spices, the demand for more was not adding up. We barely had enough for our own people, this alliance is to make sure that everyone gets their fair share and to ensure that all are safe and prosperous," Amethyst defended herself.

"Your words and actions have consequences, you will never speak of harming another being in the nine realms if you are to marry a prince of Asgard," Odin said harshly making her look down. She nodded slowly as a response before Odin tapped his spear on the ground two times as a signal that she was dismissed along with Loki.

Loki let out a long and breathy sigh of discouragement and anger before following Amethyst out of the throne room. He never followed her though, he needed to get away from Asgard, he was actually starting to enjoy his time on Midgard and he needed a break. He needed to see you.

When he got to the Bifrost, Heimdall was again waiting for him.

"I cannot permit you to leave, the Allfather will not allow you to leave," Heimdall said to Loki as he simply rolled his eyes at the gatekeeper.

"Surely me being gone for a few minutes won't hurt anything," Loki replied as he walked into the Bifrost, briskly moving past Heimdall.

Heimdall sighed as he knew he would have to be the one to tell him the fate of your life again. He stepped over to the edge of the Bifrost besides Loki and looked towards Midgard.

"Her pack is safe," Heimdall told Loki making him nod in response.

"How is she?" Loki then asked.

"Better, maybe a little nervous, stressed, and angry, but the South Ridge pack and the Twin Rocks pack are finally uniting after years of conflict," Heimdall explained to Loki, making Loki look up at him with a confused look.

"What do you mean uniting?" Loki asked him in a panic.

"Mk Reeves and Lucifer Morningstar are joining to ensure the prosperity of their people, as you are doing, Loki," Heimdall said in a hesitant and easy tone as he seen the anger boiling in Loki. Loki's eye twitched as his fists closed tightly, and his breathing began to quicken.

"I need to at least talk to her," Loki said in a daze as he tried to get his thoughts straight.

"If talking to her will get you to open your eyes then so be it," Heimdall said as he walked over to the sword and turned it, pulling Loki into the Bifrost and down to Earth.

When he landed he noticed a parking lot and right in front of him was you. You had just gotten out of your car and was fixing to walk into the Hotel to get your stuff together when the Bifrost landed right in front of you.

"Mk," Loki said as he walked over to you.

"The fuck are you doing here?" You asked him angrily.

"I could ask you the same thing," Loki said as he gritted his teeth in anger.


"Am sleeping with a man who is only using you," Loki said trying to finish your sentence in a spiteful tone.

"First of all I'm not sleeping with anybody, second of all he's not using me, if anything we're using each other, and third, you are not in my life anymore, your marrying someone else and I have to do what is right for my people," you lectured him as you walked around him to the hotel.

He then grabbed your arm and flung you about six feet back and onto the top of your car. You gasped as it caught you off guard. Loki then grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards him.

"You belong to me, the only reason I haven't let you be consumed by this world is because your a monster like me, and I feel a little bit of remorse for you," he said before two black cars pulled into the parking lot behind you both. A few of Lucifer's guards jumped out before the alpha himself jumped out of the front seat.

Two of the guards walked up to Loki and was able to pull you from his grasp as you glared at him.

"I'm not a monster, I'm a werewolf, try that again and I'll show you what we can do," you said to him as you walked away to stand beside Lucifer.

"I'm afraid your trespassing," Lucifer said in a cool and calm tone. Loki gave him a confused look mixed with a angered one before stepping towards him.

"On who's property?" Loki asked with a smirk.

"On my territory and going within a planet of the alpha female of the Twin Ridge pack," Lucifer said, a look of displeasure crossing his features.

"So your the filthy dog who's stolen what is mine," Loki said with a snarl. Lucifer chuckled darkly as his eyes shown a light yellowish brown color. Shit was about to go down.

(It's getting there, sorry if I kind of ruined the whole Loki x reader thing, it turned into a Lucifer x reader thing. So from now on just imagine it that way. Lucifer x reader. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day.)

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