Chapter 13

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Disclaimer - I do not own Loki or any other Marvel characters - descriptions of gore and other graphic content ahead. 

"Miss Reeves, Mr. Stark requests you and Loki's presents in the conference room," Jarvis said making Loki stop and look up. You sighed before Loki backed away from you and returned to his Asgardian form. You grabbed your phone and finished putting your shoes on before heading out the door.

Loki followed you until you both walked into the conference meeting room where everyone was waiting on you. As you opened the door all eyes fell on you and Loki. You smiled shyly before taking a seat next to Clint, Loki taking the other seat beside you.

"So what's going on?" You asked them as Fury walked into the room.

"A mission, I need Reeves, Laufeyson, and Rogers for this fight, and just in case things go sideways I want the rest of you on standby," Fury said before handing you all a cream colored folder.

"Colorado?" You said before realizing you said it out loud.

"Is something wrong with Colorado, Reeves?" Fury asked you. You looked up at him for a second before shaking your head and looking back through the files.

Illegal experiments on Wolves and kidnapped children and adults. Little to no guards, scans show only two floors. One above floor and a basement.

You then got up and walked out to go get changed before Tony ran up to you while you were walking.

"Mk, Bruce and I were able to put something together for you. It's an automatic suit, when you shift from your wolf form into your human form this bracelet will know and enclose you in a black suit," Tony said before handing you and bracelet.
"Also, please be careful," he added before walking away. You shrugged before putting the bracelet on and going to get a suit.

When you finished changing you met up with Loki and Steve in the hanger. You all got on the jet and it started to take off.

"What's wrong?" Loki asked you as you sat down next to him.

"Colorado is where my family lives, if they are experimenting on werewolves then we have to destroy that research," you whispered to him with a worried expression. He nodded before looking over at Steve.

"Okay, I'll help you," he said quietly. You gave him a small smile before turning away.

After the jet ride there you all got off and slowly made your way up a small little mountain to where the laboratory was. There were no cameras, no guards with guns, and it seemed abandoned and dark inside.

"Do you see anything?" Steve asked you both. You shook your head before a breeze hit. There was blood in the wind, werewolf blood. You then quickly dashed up the hill and kicked the door in. Nobody was there.

"Are you crazy?" Steve asked you as him and Loki caught up with you only to see nobody as well. You had pretty good eyesight in the dark and was able to see a piece of paper on the ground. It was a file sheet.

Tests subject definitely of Werewolf dissent, half man, half beast.

You then gave it to Loki for him to hide just in case you had to shift.

"Keep this safe, don't let Cap see it," you whispered to Loki as Steve searched the other side of the building. He nodded before slipping it into his pocket.

"Looks like they abandoned it," Steve said.

"I smelled blood, somethings here," you said before walking over to a door you seen in the back of the room. You walked over to it before slowly opening it and stepping back. You were immediately hit with the stench of death as you closed the door back. You covered your mouth and nose and Loki and Steve walked over to you.

"What is it?" Steve asked before opening the door again. Another wave came out as he immediately closed the door. He gagged at the stench as you all stepped back.

You then plugged your nose and held your breathe before opening the door to the dark staircase. You took and step down and let your eyes adjust before gasping.

There down in the basement lay probably 10 to twelve wolf and human bodied. All werewolf's from different packs including your own. You let out a small whimper before Loki and Steve followed you down. They two gasped at the sight.

"We need backup," Steve said into the comms before turning to you. You walked a few more steps down to see if you recognized anyone, and unfortunately you did. Your older brother, Jackson. Out of all of your family members, Jackson was by far the sweetest and most understanding of you.

You sobbed as you went down the stairs even more. His body was decomposing as your hands shook as you looked at him from a far.

"No, no, no, not Jackson," you whispered in a cracking tone. You then heard helicopters outside and someone coming inside the building. You stood there as the lights turned on and a S.H.I.E.L.D swat team entered the basement with Fury and other other Avengers.

"Reeves?" Fury asked you in a hesitant tone as the other Avengers entered the basement to see what was going on.

"They killed my brother," you sobbed as you fell to your knees beside him. Loki was about to go to your side when Fury held out his hand as if signaling him to wait.

"Reeves, was your brother a werewolf?" Fury asked you.

"They all are," you sobbed quietly with your head in your hands as you rocked back and forth subtly.

"Are there any more Werwolves out there that you need to find in order to keep them safe?" Fury asked you.

"They move around the mountain regions, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, I don't know where they are." You said. "The others aren't from my pack, I don't know who they are," you finished as you tried to calm yourself down and wipe your tears away.

Fury then dropped his hand as Loki immediately went to your side. He held out his hand and helped you up before escorting you out of the basement and outside.

"Loki do you still have that paper?" You asked him as you fanned your eyes. He nodded before getting it out and handing it to you. You unfolded it and read more.

More tests runs have been ran, immunity to all injuries other than silver and fire. Theirs bones and blood contain their DNA in which we can turn into a serum, much like the super soldier serum and create a new race of super soldiers. They will have super strength, speed, agility, smell, and hearing, plus the immeasurable desire to kill. Since wolves are pack animals these new super soldiers will be easier to control as long as the controller has alpha personality and behavior.

You sighed before handing it back to him for him to read.

"We have to track them down," you said before he finished reading and you took it.


"I'll have to ask Stark to run fingerprint diagnostics on it to see if we can pick up any finger prints other than ours," you said before putting it in your pocket.

You tapped your foot as you looked around and noticed the fresh tire tracks in the mud. 

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