22. Running into Truth

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Changsub's POV

Changsub was sitting in the living room of their old house. Irene appeared with two cups in her hand.

"You didn't change anything?" Changsub asked as he looked around.

"I thought you would come back so I didn't."

He took a sip of the familiar coffee then put down the cup, "Joohyun-ah, I told you already that-"



"Minho doesn't want me anymore."

"I talked to him the other day. He loves you," Changsub wanted to punch himself hard. How can I say this casually as if I wasn't betrayed?

"What if I don't want him back?"

"What?" he scoffed.

"What if I want you, Changsub?" she gave him a familiar expression- his weakness, "Changsub... Please."

Changsub laughed in disbelief, "Joohyun, what happened to you?"

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Changsub laughed in disbelief, "Joohyun, what happened to you?"

"Look, it was just a mistake. What happened to us was... I was weak and I didn't know what I was doing," she sniffed.

Changsub opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't find words. He thought things were okay when he left her at the hospital but nothing has changed.

 He thought things were okay when he left her at the hospital but nothing has changed

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"And would you want to divorce me after what we've been through?"

"What happened to the woman I had loved?" He frowned, "Is this what you have become after marrying me?"


"Are you really planning to end it even if I didn't see you hugging and kissing each other?" 

Irene didn't answer.

"You love Minho, don't you?"

"I thought I did but... I kept thinking about you, Changsub. I am ready to do whatever you want just take me back," Irene kneeled in front of him. She held his hands on her face, "Forgive me."

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