Chapter Thirty Three

27 2 9

Violets POV


Tik, tok. Tik, tok. Tik, tok. Tik-

I get up, the sound from the clock making me go insane. My father gives me a puzzled look, but I just wipe my hands on my pants. "I just remembered something that's due Friday, may I go?" His jaw tightens, his eyes averting to the pathway to my room. "You may."

I thank him, spinning on my heels and running up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, I'm faced with Wesley's door. I take a breath and knock four times, telling him it's me, and not waiting for his words to let me in. He is already staring at the door when I enter, shock written on his face. "Well hello, way to make an entrance."

I shake my head and close the door, backing into it and crossing my arms. "I'm going to tell her, like, today."

He looks puzzled for a second, before piecing together what I'm referring to in his head. He puts down his book, "on a Wednesday," looking down to his watch, "at 4 PM?"

I glare at him, taking a deep breath while rubbing my hands over my face. "Yes, midday on a Wednesday, is that a problem?" His eyes widened slightly, putting his hands up in a motion of surrender, "no problem, just not how I'd expect you to spill your secrets."

"Do you think it's a bad idea? Is Wednesday the wrong day? Is Tuesday bette-"

"Violet, chill out, nothing is wrong with Wednesdays. But are you fully prepared to handle the consequences of the outcome?" he asks, twisting the ring on his middle finger. I shake my head, walking forward to sit on the edge of his bed. "I think-"

"You need to be sure," he states, giving me this mom-like stare. "I am sure! I'm just nervous, don't mom me."

His eyes squint, "Okay. Go for it," he says, giving me one look over before grabbing his book and opening it. I groan, throwing my head back. "I came here for advice not Librainan mom of the century,"

"Well that's what you're getting, now go get her," he says, waving his hand in a 'leave' motion. "I have to finish this by Friday."

I get up, rolling my eyes, muttering, "of course you do," before opening the door and going to leave. Before the door shuts I hear him yell out, "good luck!"

Now the only problem is getting out of the house. I could say I'm going for coffee, say the assignment is more energy than I thought it would be. That could work. Well, either way, I can get past him or he will make me go back up here and I won't embarrass myself too LIly.

Lily, Lily, Lily, you'll be the death of me. Quite literally.

I grab my purse, rushing down the stairs before I get the chance to overthink it in any way. When I get downstairs I'm left to see my dads not even there, even better. The front door closes behind me, the car making its noise from me clicking the unlock button on my keys. The car is cold, the January temperature seeping into the cracks and settling on the surface of the seats. It hums to life, giving me a type of relief feeling, this is so far going smoothly. My fingers tap the steering wheel and I turn it to leave my driveway. I watch as the houses on my block pass me, getting more into the less-known territory of Lily's neighborhood. I can see the street I have to turn down to get to her house, but my nerves just can't make the turn. So instead I turned the other way, toward the coffee shop. It's not like this is on a timeline.

The familiar sound of the silent car takes over when I'm in a parking spot, my body feeling not mine. My nerves are lighting up my body, in so many ways I can't tell if my heart is beating too fast or too slow. I open the door, the cold air hitting my cheeks, giving them a slight burn.

When I step foot into the coffee shop it's warm, as this small hug, the coffee smell is overwhelming. I noticed the line consists of five people, more than I would think this late in the afternoon. I step into line, rocking back and forth on my heels, steeping one step ahead each time space allows me too.

"Hi sorry, I just really like your skirt, where is it from?" I hear a voice say from beside me, making my head turn its way. There stands a girl shorter than me, her hair long and this light pink color. I blink at her, looking down at what I'm wearing because I honestly forgot. "Oh Uhm, it's from that boutique shop down the street, the one with LED lights in the window."

She smiles at me, nodding in understanding, "thanks so much, enjoy your day!" She walks away before I can respond, making me look forward and realize only one person is left in the line.

I get a black coffee, something not to my usual taste but I think the bitterness will help my nerves. My car doesn't bring comfort, if anything it makes me feel worse. The nerves crawling up my throat are making me feel like screaming.

The coffee distracts me, the taste of it giving something for my brain to focus on. I sip on it all the way to her street, passing the houses I've memorized when I think about the time spent with her late at night.

The cars outside are familiar, the one I know as her moms. I wonder if they are together watching a movie or something.

I check my phone, watching as the numbers on my clock tick by, the hum of my car echoing in my ears. After 4 different numbers go by, I sigh and turn off my car, stepping out of it, watching as my shoes hit the concrete. This moment could change so many things.

My breathing is ragged as I get closer to the door, my nerves spiraling in my head and tickling up my fingertips.

Violet, chill out.

I can do this, I can handle the outcome, it can't be too bad. Right?

My hands shake as I open the glass door to knock on the other one. I haven't even figured out what I'll say, but maybe having no script will help. The sound of the lock twisting makes my stomach flip, each one justifying the next second it will open.

My nerves skyrocket when the door opens, and I see her. Lily, in her full glory. Her hair up, a confused look on her face. I can't seem to form words, my mind blank.


A lot to unpack here, or well in the next one

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A lot to unpack here, or well in the next one. Don't have to wait long though because it's a double update.

Remember to drink water and eat something :)

*head pat*

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