36 : Amusing.

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"Woah it's.. Bigger than I imagined.."

Jimin looked around Maya's dorm as she walked to the kitchen, getting something to drink.

They came back from Malta a week ago.

After Jungkook snitched, the relationship between the three male maknaes got obviously tensed, especially between Jungkook and Taehyung.

The older was upset at the maknae's hypocrisy, meanwhile the maknae was jealous of all the attention Taehyung was receiving.

In all of this, Jimin was the one who was the most chill. His main focus was Maya, he didn't had time to get into petty fights and was upset at both of them.

He didn't tolerate Jungkook's attitude nor Taehyung's privileges, especially with the attitude he had with Maya when he first arrived.

"Yeah me too I was shocked, but they treated me well.. So, why did you come all the way here for ?" She said, crashing on her couch.

Jimin grabbed a bottle of soju, opening it.

"Well I thought you might feel lonely sometimes so I came to check up on you.."

That was true, but he also wanted to get out of the weird atmosphere at the dorm.

Hoseok knew about Maya and Taehyung and so did Yoongi about the three of them, but Seokjin and Namjoon just learnt about it.

Seokjin tried to brush it off but he was overthinking. In his head, somehow, he still thought Maya was a baby. He had a hard time imagining her having sex, especially with Taehyung.

On the other hand, Namjoon was asking Taehyung lots of questions, for example when did it start, if it ever happened in the dorm, who initiated it and if it was consensual.

None only he wanted to avoid Maya being kicked out, even though they weren't in a relationship, but he also felt kind of jealous.

Even if he felt bad about what he did to her, he still desired her and to think Taehyung had his hands on her made him feel jealous.

"Well I'm alright, aside from our schedules all I ever do is sleep so.. Yeah, I'm good." She said with a small smile.

Jimin nodded, looking at her.

She was wearing her usual Nike pro shorts with a big hoodie she stole from Jungkook on top of it, the hair clip she was wearing in Malta putting her hair out of her face.

"Why are you looking at me like that ?" She asked, laughing.

"You're just nice to look at.." He answered, putting his arm on the couch's armrest, his head on his fist. "And don't pretend you don't know why I'm looking at you like that."

She scoffed, sipping on her water.

"You're fucking me in your head, right ?"

"Between a few other things, yeah.." Jimin answered in a low voice. "..Can I ask you a question ?"

She nodded, turning her head to him.

"Since we broke up did you had sex with someone ?" He asked, his head rolling on the backrest.

"Yeah, Taehyung-Oppa in May." She asnwered casually, curving herself into a ball.

Jimin nodded, licking his lips before pursing them.

"Why ?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Because I know you're always kind of needy, so I was asking myself.." He answered with a sigh.

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