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Brody's POV

Monstro ended up spitting us out and we managed to get on the gummi ship "I sure hope Pinocchio and Geppetto are okay" Goofy said "Yeah, hopefully they landed safely somewhere" Donald said "Riku...." Sora said "Don't worry Sora, we'll figure out what's up with him" I said and Sora nodded smiling a bit and we fly to a world named Atlantica.

When we entered Sora and I looked like mermaids? And Goofy was a sea turtle and Donald had octopus legs "Come on, Sebastian!" We heard as we see a mermaid, a fish and a crab swimming over here "Ariel, wait! Slow down!" Sebastian said "Don't leave me behind!" He said and stops infront of Donald scaring Sebastian amd swims behind the mermaid named Ariel "Relax, Sebastian" Ariel said "They don't look like one of them" She said "Right, Flounder?" She asks the fish "I don't know. There's something weird about them" Flounder said "What do you mean?" Sora asks laughing nervously "Not helping" Brody whispered and Ariel swims around me and Sora "They do seem....a little different" Ariel said "Where are you from?" She asks us "We're from kind of far away" Sora said and I nodded "And we're not really used to these waters" I said "Oh, I see. In that case...Sebastian can show you how we swim around here" Ariel said "Ariel, King Triton will not like this!" Sebastian said "Oh, don't worry" Ariel said "Easy for you to say...Okay, it's time you learn how to swim properly" Sebastian said "Practice swimming with Flounder. Try to tag him" He said "All right. Begin" He said and we did as told getting used to swim like this "Good job" Sebastian said "Now let's move on to self-defense" He said "Sebastian!" Ariel said as heartless showed up "Class is over. Good luck!" Sebastian said as he, Flounder and Ariel swim away but we get ready to fight the heartless.

Once they were done, Ariel came back and we hit the clam Sebastian and Flounder were hiding to let them out "Those creatures chased us here" Ariel said to her friends "Oh, no! Those monsters might be heading for the palace, too!" Sebastian said "We'd better head back right away!" Ariel said "But, wh-what if we run into more on our way back?" Flounder asks "I'm sorry, but we need your help. Please come to the palace with us" Ariel said to us "The trident markers on the walls point the way there" She said "We won't get lost as long as we follow them" She said "Okay let's get going" She said and swims off with her friends, Donald and Goofy and I notice Sora looking at me blushing and I chuckle cupping his cheek "Stop staring and let's go" I said and Sora nodded blushing more and we go after them.

*Later at Triton's Palace*

We were being chased by three heartless as we arrived to the throne room and Triton took out the heartless with his trident "That was too close" Triton said "As long as I have my trident, I will not tolerate those creatures inside this palace" He said "Daddy!" Ariel said "Oh, Ariel!" Triton said "When will you listen? It's dangerous out there!" He said "Strange creatures lurk outside" He said and saw us "Behold. You swim before the ruler of the seas: His Majesty, King Triton" Sebastian said "And who are they?" Triton asks "They helped us fight off those creatures" Ariel said "They don't look familiar" Triton said "Sorry to intrude your majesty. We just came looking for something" I said "Yup. We came to find the keyhole" Goofy said "The what?" Triton asks "What's that?" Ariel asks "Nothing!" I said "But it's a--" "There's no such thing" Triton exclaimed "Certainly, not here" He said "But, daddy...." Ariel said "Ariel, not another word!" Triton said "You are not to leave the palace. Is that clear?" He asks and Ariel just swims away and we follow her.

*Later at Ariel's Grotto*

Ariel wanted us to show us something so she brought us to her grotto and it was full of stuff from the surface "Look at all the wonderful things Flounder and I've collected" Ariel said "I think it's all from the outside world" She said "Someday, I'm going to see what's out there" She said "I want to see other worlds. Does that sound strange?" She asks "No. Not at all" Sora said and I nodded "I used to feel the same way" He said "Used to?" Ariel asks "I mean....I still do" Sora said "Hey, why don't we try looking for that keyhole you were talking about?" Ariel asks "But your father said--" I said "Oh, he treats me like a kid!" Ariel said "He never wants to let me do anything" She said "He just....he just doesn't understand" she said and we all left.

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