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Third Person's POV

In hollow bastion a few villains were watching Sora, Brody, Donald and Goofy "That little squirt took down that Heartless! Who'd have thought it?" Hades asks "Such is the power of the keyblade. The boys strenght is not their own" Jafar said "Why don't we turn them into a heartless? That'll settle things quick enough" Ursula said "And the brat's friends are the king's lackeys. I don't know about the spiky haired one but the other bpy defeated me once" Hook said "That boy defeated you? Haha!" Oogie Boogie said laughing "Shut up! This is my chance to get revenge on that brat!" Hook said "Enough" Maleficent said walking over "I don't care what you do to his friends. But Brody's mine he'll pay for my previous defeat" she said smirking.

Brody's POV

I flew the ship to the firs world we found called wonderland  and we fell down a hole as we landed we see a whie rabbit with a clock running ahead "Oh, my fur and whiskers! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" The rabbit said "Oh, dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here, I should be there" he said leaving "What was that all about?" Sora asks "Beats me" I said "But we should follow him anyway" I said and three nod as we go after him.

We went through a door....a small door....behind a lot of doors decreasing in size.....we haven't been here an hour and this world is already weird. Anyway we saw the rabbit go into another door but for some reason he was smaller so we approached the small door and Sora and I crouch "How did he get so small?" Sora asks "No, you two are simply too big" the door handle said startling us "it talks!" Donald said suprised "Must you be so loud? You woke me up" the handle said yawning "Good morning" Goofy said "Good night! I need a bit more sleep" the handle said "Wait! I'm sorry we woke you up but how can we get small?" I asked "Why don't you try the bottle...over there?" The handle asks as we look behind seeing the drawing of the table in the floor turn into an actual table with two bottle 'how.....?' I thought "should we do it?" Sora asks "hmmmm well not like we have anywhere else to go in this size" I said grabbing the bottle and drank it and soon became small.

"Awww you look so small Brody!" Sora said putting me on his hand smiling 'Know I see how Ven felt in castle of dreams' I thought when I noticed a bed blocking an entrance "Hey before you turn small push that bed away" I said pointing at the bed "Okay!" Sora saod putting me on his shoulder as he pushed the bed...into the wall making it a drawing on the wall?

After that Sora, Donald and Goofy drank the bottle and shrank like me we moved foward we arrived to a room with living cards? And what looks like a court setting with a queen as a jury and a girl with blonde long hair and a blue dress as the defendant "Court is now in session!" The rabbit said "I'm on trial? But why?" The girl asks "Her majesty, the Queen of Hearts, presiding!" The rabbit said "This girl is the culprit. There's no doubt about it. And the reason is....because I say so, that's why!" The queen said 'Talk about unfair' I thought "That is so unfair!" The girl said "Well have you anything to say in your defense?" The queen asks "Of course! I've done absolutely nothing wrong!" The girl said confident "You may be queen, but I'm afraid that doesn't give you the right to be so...so mean!" She said "silence!" The queen said "You dare defy me?" She asks feeling insulted "shouldn't we help her?" Sora asks "We are outsiders wouldn't that be meddling?" Goofy asks "It'll be fine" I said and Sora smiles at me "I find the defendant...guilty as charged!" The queen said "For the crimes of assault and attempted theft of my heart...Off with her head!" She said "Stop right there!" I said as the four of us run past the cards "Who are you? How dare you interfere wth my court?" The queen asks "Excuse me. But we know who the real culprit is!" Sora said "And she's not the one you're looking for" I said That's nonsense. Do you have proof?" The queen asks to which we stayed silent and the cards locked the girl who's name is Alice in a bird cage and said to bring evidence to prove her innocence and we left to  a lotus forest where we ran into a pink cat with purple stripes that gave us advice? It felt more like a riddle but regardless we started searching.

After we got all the clues we went back to the queen of hearts and not suprisingly she doesn't believe us yet so we decided to free Alice ourselves but adter goig through the Queen's cards Alice wasn't in the cage so we went to look for her.

We got back where the talking doorknob was and a giant heartless showed up so we fought it and once we defeat it we found the keyhole in the doorknobs mouth so Sora and I locked it and it dropped a gummi navi piece and the Chesire cat came back to tell us Alice has left her world.

"What can we do now?" Sora asks "Hmm....if she's gone from her world there's nothing we can do it about it. We may ran into her while we see other worlds but we managed to seal this world from the heartless" I said "Hmmm okay Brody, You seem to have experience with this" Sora said "....yeah" I said smiling and the four of us went back to the gummi ship and left this world but still....

For Alice to just vanish from her world....someone must have taken her but who?

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