Hollow Bastion

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Brody's POV

We went back to Traverse Town so Cid could install the new navi gummies we've collected and now we were waiting for him to come back after installing them "Sora!" Donald said as Sora has been quite sadden after what happened with Riku and Kairi "Now, just remember what Donald said to ya: no frowning, no sad faces" Goofy said "How can you be so cheerful? There's still no sign of your king. Or your friends Brody" Sora said "Aren't you worried?" He asks "Aw, phooey" Donald said "The king told us to go out amd find the key bearer, and we found Brody and you" Goofy said "So as long as we stick together, it'll all work out okay" He said "I agree" I said "Ya just gotta believe in yourself, that's all" Goofy said "Just believe...." Sora said "I believe in you two" I heard Kairi's voice and suddenly I was having a vision with Sora as we see a young Kairi running up to an old woman.

"Where are we?" Sora asked "I don't know" I said "Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light" The old woman said to Kairi "Everyone loved the light" She said "Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves" She said "And darkness was born in their hearts" She said "The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts" She said "It covered everything, and the world disappeared" She said "But small fragments of light survived...in the hearts of children" She said "With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world" She said "It's the world we live in now" She said "But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness" She said "That's why the worlds are still scattered. Divided from each other" She said "But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open" She said "And the true light will return" She said "So, listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you" She said "Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you" She said "Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away" She said "Do you understand, Kairi?" She asks "Kairi?!" Sora asks and suddenly we snap out of that vision.

"Huh?" Sora and I ask "What's the matter?" Goofy asks and Sora and I look at each other "Um, nothing" I said and Sora nodded as Cid came back "I installed that navigation gummi" Cid said "But, ya know? That place is crawling with Heartless" He said "Don't say I didn't warn you" He said and we said goodbye and went to the gummi ship to a world named Hollow Bastion.

When we arrived we landed in a spot where water is descending and water was walkable as well as we can see platforms leading up to broken stairs and a strange Castle at the far distance  "Gawrsh, look at that!" Goofy said "I know this place...." Sora said "Me too..." I said "Hmm, that's strange" Goofy said "I wonder why..." Sora said "I feel this warmth inside, right here" I said "I feel it too" Sora said and we heard a roar in the distance "Let's go!" Sora said and we started moving till we reached the platform with broken stairs and we spotted a beast and Riku "No vessel, no help from the heartless..." Riku said "So tell me, how'd you get here?" He asks "I simply believed. Nothing more to it" The beast said "When our world fell into the darkness, Belle was taken from me" He said "I vowed I would find her again no matter what the cost" He said "I believed I would find her" He said "So here I am. She must be here" He said "I will have her back!" He said "Taker if you can" Riku said and the beast roars and leaps towards Riku for a swipe but Riku leaps backwards and swings at the beast defeating him "Stop!" Sora said as we got to the platform "So, you two finally made it. About time. I've been waiting for Sora" Riku said "We've always been rivals, haven't we?" He asks "You've always pushed me as I've always pushed you" He said "Riku..." Sora "But it all ends here. There can't be another keyblade wielder besides Brody" He said "What are you talking about?" Sora asks "Let the keyblade choose...its true master" Riku said extending his hand out and Sora's keyblade was being pulled towards Riku till it vanished from Sora's hands "What?!" The four of us asked suprised and the keyblade appeared on Riku's hand "Maleficent was right" Riku said "You don't have what it takes to save Kairi" He said "It's up to me. Only a keyblade wielder can open the secret door...and change the world" He said "But that's impossible. How did this happen?" Sora asked "I'm the one who fought my way here with the keyblade!" He said "You were just the delivery boy" Riku said "Sorry, your part's over now Sora" He said "Here, go play hero with this" He said dropping the wooden sword at Sora's feet and Sora fell to his knees in shock  and Riku started to walk away "Goofy. Let's go" Donald said "We have to remember our mission" He said "Oh! Well, I know the king told us to follow the key and all..." Goofy said "But..." He said as he and Donald started to walk away "Sora, Brody, sorry" Donald said as the two left and I look at Sora "What are you waiting for? Get up" I said "But....I don't have the keyblade...." Sora said "And?" I asked "Huh?" Sora asks looking at me confused "Sora, the keyblade it's just a weapon, but your strenght and heart is what make it strong. Like you said you made your way up to this point not just cause you have the keyblade but because of your strong heart" I said "Normally, having the keyblade just means you get taught and trained to use it but you've been teaching yourself, you are a special keyblade wielder and if Riku took it. It just means he was stronger than you but you can be stronger. So stop moping, that's not you at all" I said and Sora quickly hugged me catching me off guard "Thank you" Sora said "Huh?" I ask confused and Sora tighten the hug "For staying with me and cheering me up. You're the best!" Sora said and kisses my cheek making me smile a bit "Your welcome" I said hugging back and we noticed the beast trying to walk "Hey, don't move. You're hurt" Sora said walking up to him "Why... why did you come here?" The Beast asks "We came to save a friend" I said and Sora nodded "I came to fight for Belle" The beast said "And though on my own, I will fight" He said "I won't leave without her" He said "We'll go with you" Sora said and I nodded and Beast agreed and we started to head to the castle.

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