100 Acre Wood and Return to Hollow Bastion

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Brody's POV

"Tell me what happened" Leon said as we had returned to Traverse Town and we were in the house in the third district and Sora and I explained to Leon what happened "So the darkness is flowing out of that keyhole..." Leon said "No wonder there are more and more heartless everywhere" Aerith said "The only way to stop them is--" She said "Seal the keyhole. Right?" Sora asks "Maybe. But no one knows what will happen once it's sealed" Leon said "Well, we can't just stay here. We have to do something" I said "I've got a friend back there" Sora said "That's right" Leon said "You have one more friend to worry about" He said "Riku's keyblade must have been born of the captive princesses' hearts--" He said "just like that keyhole you saw" He said "Of course, without Kairi's heart, it remained incomplete" He said "Once that keyblade was destroyed, the princesses' hearts should have been freed" He said "Don't worry Sora" He said "If anyone can save your friend, you and Brody can" He said and we nodded.

Before going back to Hollow Bastion, we have gathered all the torn pages for Merlin's book so Sora and I decided to go return them but only one person can enter the book and Sora suggested I went in and so I did.

When I was in the book I went to an empty meadow and I saw a yellow bear wearing a red shirt sitting on a log and I walked over and sat next to him "Think, think, think, think" The bear said "Hi there. What's wrong?" I asked "Nothing. Just thinking" The bear said "Oh" I said "I was thinking of how to say goodbye to Pooh" The bear said "Pooh?" I asked "Yes?" Pooh asks "Wait a second. You're Pooh?" I asked "Yes, I'm Winnie the Pooh. Pooh for short. Who are you?  Pooh asks "I'm Brody" I said "Oh. Hello, Brody. Have you come to say goodbye to Pooh, too?" Pooh asks "Well, no. Why would I do that Pooh? We just met" I said "Because everyone's gone away" Pooh said "What do you mean?" I asked "Well, we all lived here in the Hundred Acre Wood" Pooh said "And we'd take walks together or play Pooh sticks..." He said "And every day, I'd eat some honey" He said "Just one small smackeral would taste very good roght now" He said "But now everyone's gone" He said "All my friends, and my favorite Hunny Tree too" He said "Everyone must've gone away while I was napping, I think..." He said "So, who knows? Maybe I shall end up going away somewhere as well" He said jumping off the log "But I wonder, how do I say goodbye to myself?" He asks "Think, think, think" He said "Oh, my tumbly is getting rather rumbly" He said and walks away and I do the same.

Back in the book I see a new page restored showing a a tree being used as a house with an odd sign so I went in knocked on the door of said house going inside to find Pooh "Oh, bother. There's no more honey left" Pooh said "If only the Hunny Tree would visit... Then I could eat my fill" He said and left and I did too and I run into an owl "Let me guess: You'd like to know what happens mext" Owl said "Unfortunately, some of the pages are missing, so I can't tell you yet" He said "The pages are scattered over many worlds. Would you find them for us?" He asks and flies away and I decided to try something and went to the book.

And like I suspected a new area was now restored and I see a tall, curious tree buzzing with bees so I go in.

"Hello, i-is anyone there?" Someone asked and I look down to see a little pig stepping out from a log looking around "Wh-Wh-What am I to do? I'm all alone" He said "Pooh? Pooh? Where are you? It's me, Piglet" He said and gasps when he spots me and runs off and hides behind the nig tree ocassionally peaking out to look so I decided to go the other way around "Oh dear! I was j-just...N-Never mind. I'm sorry!" He said nervous and I crouch causing him to cover his eyes "Don't be scared. You're looking for Pooh, right?" I asked "You know Pooh?" He asks amd sighs in relief "Oh, y-you see, I-I have something for him" He said "I have to take it to Pooh right away!" He said and as on point Pooh arrived here and we walked to him "Oh, I believe I smell a delicious something--a something like honey!" Pooh said "Pooh!" Piglet said "Hello, Piglet. How have you been?" Pooh asks "Oh, I-I'm so glad to see you. I thought you'd be gone away" Piglet said "I brought wh-what you asked for" He said giving him a blue ballon "Thank you, Piglet. Now I can finally have some honey" Pooh said "Really? B-But how?" Piglet asks "I shall hold on to the balloon, and fly like a bee up the Hunny Tree, see" Pooh said "But if you take their honey, won't the bees be angry?" Piglet asks "Hmm....Oh!" Pooh said looking at me "If you could only chase away those bees, I'm quite certain I could get a small morsel of honey" Pooh said "Would you help me get some honey?" He asks "Sure" I said and Owl landed on a tree branch "Oh. Hello there, Owl" Pooh said "Good day, Pooh. What are you doing?" Owl asks "Using a balloon to get some honey? Splendid idea!" He said "Allow me to offer a few pointers" He said "Ahem! Now, Pooh can get honey by floating up this tree with his balloon" He said "The honey is inside the tree hollows, not the beehives you see here" He said "There's quote a lot of honey in these holes" He said "If Pooh gets too close, the bees will come out to protect their money" He said "If they get to Pooh, they'll pop his balloon. Lock onto the bees and swat them away" He said "The more time Pooh has at each hollow, the more honey he can eat. There's more honey higher up, too" He said "Good luck" He said flying away.

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