Traverse Town I

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Brody's POV

I arrived to my house happy after what happened with Sora and held my wayfinder close to me "I'll find you guys I promised" I thought to myself. I'm gonna find them no matter what and hopefully things go back like they used to be, sorta.

But suddenly I saw a huge dark cloud looming over the island and I thought of the raft. Even though I didn't need it the others do so I left the house and head towards the island and I saw Sora on the way there "Sora!" I said catching up to himand he smiled looking at him "Brody it seems Kairi and Riku went to the other island first" He said and I nodded as we both headed there.

On our way there some shadows appeared, 'This don't seem to be the unversed' I thought. Then I remembered that the source aka Vanitas was defeated by me Aqua and Mickey.


This is crazy, I took out those shadows with my keyblade making Sora amaze by it but when we found Riku he seemed more excited to leave than what was going on. Did he fall to the darkness, that was going on through my mind as he vanished and then a keyblade appeared on Sora's hand. "Brody! I got one too! How?" He asked me and I looked at it "Your guess is as good as mine" I said and we then hesd to the secret place.

Once there we saw Kairi there in a half sleep state as the door behind her opened and a strong wind pushed her to us but then she dissapeared and the wind send us me and Sora away to a small island and a huge heartless showed up and we fought against it.

After we stroke it down he started floating and Sora and I started floating upwards too, I activated my armor and held Sora close as we where leaving the islands. Not the way I expected.

We both lost conciouness and I felt my helmet fall off once we landed. I felt something licked me then jumped on me making me and Sora wake up "Ahh!" We both said startled, when I looked to my suprise it was Pluto! "Hey Pluto!" I said as he barked and tackled me down licking my face making me laugh "I missed you too pal" I said while Sora looked confused. Once he stopped I explain to Sora who Pluto was and I asked Pluto where's Mickey to which he barked and run off and we followed him.

*Some time later*

We lost Pluto wandering around this place called Traverse Town and a guy named Cid explained us that those creatures were called heartless and how they were born. Once we left his store a guy came to us and started a fight with us. He knocked Sora out quick and he left me with no breath but he also seemed tired "I hope for our sake that your friend isn't the only key" he said as I raised an eyebrow, a girl appeared and told the man that we gave a good fight to which he said "I only see one still concious and I wasn't fighting serious" He said calm. "We should explain things to them" the girl said and the man nodded and told me to followed them to rest. I nodded and followed them while carrying Sora.

Heartless...I thought the unversed would be the only threat once we dealt with them.

*On a rooftop of the houses watching Brody and the others*

?'s POV

I chuckled as I watched over 'Brody' and his friends. "So you where hidden in those islands huh?" I asked myself as I watched covered in the dark coat Xehanort gave me "If Xehanort thought he could keep you hidden from me he's wrong but i's too early to do what I planned". "I'll wait till Xehanort's little ride is over before I come claim what belong from me but I'll keep watching" I said as I stood up opening a dark portal "Meanwhile I'll keep an eye on the others" I saod chuckling as I left through the corridor.

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