Building the raft

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Brody's POV

I have lived in Destiny Islands for the past 10 years with Sora and his friends. We were building a raft to leave the islands and explore the other worlds, for now I was looking for Sora who probably was sleeping and sure enough I found him on the beach sleeping so went up to him and soon enough he woke up and screamed "Ahh! Brody!" He saud blushing and I chuckled "I knew I would found you sleeping here" I said and he blushed more and explained me of a odd dream he had but I told him it was just a dream. Then Riku and Kairi came in and we all went keep working on the raft.


Sora's POV

I saw Riku and talked to him and we had different names for the raft so we decided to do a race and Brody and Kairi were gonna start us off. "If I win I get to be captain and if you win-" I started saying but Riku cut me off "I'll share a paopu fruit with Brody" he said making me get mad "Wha? No" I managed to say and he looked at me "It's set whoever wins share's a paopu fruit with Brody" he said making me blush "what? Wait" I said as Kairi told us to start and Riku started running and I quickly ran after 'I can't lose' I thought.


He won and then he looked at me "The raft will be named Highwind" he said and I got mad, he was teasing me!. After that I went to Brody who told me what we needed to finish the raft as I went to get the stuff he asked.

The sun was starting to set as the four of us went to the paopu fruit as we watched the sun set and talked about what we were gonna do when we left. As Kairi and Brody left first I was gonna go to Brody when Riku tossed me a paopu fruit "Huh?" I asked as he walked past me "Consider it your consolation prize for losing the race go get Brody" he said chuckling a bit making me blush hard as I looked at the fruit then at Brody who was walking to the boats. He hasn't chamged at all those 10 years we don't know why but I'm...kinda thankful cause over these 10 years I started feeling nervous around him, I'm certain I have feelings for him but I'm nervours to tell him. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Brody "Come on Sora! Riku and Kairi left on the other boat!" He said and I nodded heading to him hiding the paopu fruit.

On our way to the main island I looked at Brody blushing "B-Brody" I said nervous "Yeah?" He asked and I gulped closing my eyes "Ilikelikeyou!" I said quickly and I heard nothing from him but then "Ummm what? I didn't understand" He said and I took a deep breath " like you" I said blushing hard. He chuckled holding my hand "Well that's sweet I like like you too" he said making me smile happily hugging him tightly "Thank you!" I said as he hugged back "Y-yeah your welcome Sora let go a bit" he said and I did it blushing. Once we arrive he got off the boat and looked at me "Let's go out when we can" he said kissing my forehead as he left towards his house leaving me blushing as I got home and headed home.

But this night is were everything is gonna change.

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