End of the World and Final Showdown

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Brody's POV

"Gawrsh is that all that's left of the worlds taken by the Heartless?" Goofy asks as we look around this place called end of the world "Those worlds will be restored if we beat Ansem, right?" Sora asks "Yeah, the worlds should be restored once we do" I said "But, if we do beat him and all these worlds become restored and disconnected, what's gonna happen to this place? And to us?" Sora asks "Well, uh..." Donald said "This is a heartless world, so maybe it'll just disappear" Goofy said making Sora and Donald gasps "Don't worry guys" I said "Even if this place goes poof, our hearts ain't going nowhere" I said "Yeah. I'm sure we'll find our pals again" Goofy said "Yup, I just know that we will" He said "Yeah, you're right" Sora said looking at the heartlocket I gave him smiling and the four of us start making our way to the waters but it was just like an invisible maze and every now and then this orbs of darkness descended on us taking us to a room with heartless so we defetead them and kept going till we reached the end and got into a fight with a behemont heartless and soon we were transported to a different big place.

"I wonder where that Ansem feller went?" Goofy asks "Dive into the most damgerous place and we'll find him!" Donald said and so we did till we found a portal that took us to an area called world terminus.

In said area there was this beams of darkness in every small area that took us to the different worlds we travelled, just one room of said world and we fought heartless to move on. Eventually we reached this beam that took us to a strange room we've never seen before and inside was this strange machine with some pods attached to it. Anyway after we left this area the beam that took us there and left a portal on the floor.

When we entered we where in like this empty place and we could fly like we did in neverland. The only thing here was a mountain but this strange creature was attached to the top and it attacked us and we fought it. It didn't took us long to defeat it and it vanish letting us land inside the mountain and we went to a portal that lead us to a room with different parts from other worlds. I could see things from Enchanted Dominion, Dwarf Woodlands and even Castle of Dreams....

We soon reach a wide room with a behemont heartless and once we defetead it we saw a heartless emblem like door and a piece fell off and more heartless started spawning so we took on wave after wave of heartless until the door was unlocked and we went in.

Inside was a room that looked like our final rest before the end and a door stading on the other side "Huh?" Sora asks "What's wrong?" Donald asks "Don't you hear something?" Sora asks and I do tart to hear something "Careful. This is the last haven you'll find here" The voice said "Beyond, there is no light to protect you" They said "But don't be afraid. Your hearts ate the mightiest weapons of all" They said "Remember, you two are the ones who will open the door to the light" They said "I don't hear anything" Donald said "Strange.... That voice was so familiar. Maybe it's just my imagination" Sora said "Maybe you'd better take a rest!" Donald said and after that we opened the door and entered....

Destiny Islands! "Is this... Is this our island?" Sora asks and we tried to head to the secret spot when "This world has been connected" Ansem's voice said "What was that?" Goofy asks as part of the island disappear and the place changes, like the center becoming hollow with a ground to walk on. The islands looked destroyed and we saw at the shore 'Riku' or more like Ansem still using his body and we quickly run towards him "Take a look at this tiny place" Ansem said "To the heart seeking freedom this island is a prison surrounded by water" He said "And so this boy sought out to escape from his prison" He said reffering to Riku "He sought a way to cross over into other worlds" He said "And he opened his heart to darkness" He said looking at us as he changes to his true form "Riku!" Sora said "Don't bother. Your voice can no longer reach him where he is" Ansem said "His heart belongs again to darkness" He said "All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different" He said "Darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it" He said "Such is its nature" He said "In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came" He said "You see, darkness is the heart's true essence" He said appearing behind us "I heard enough from you!" I said summoning my keyblade "That's not true!" Sora said to Ansem "The heart may be weak. And sometimes it may even give in" Sora said "But I've learned that deep down, there's light that never goes out!" He said "So, you have come this far and still you understand nothing" Ansem said "Every light must fade, every heart return to darkness!" He said summoning a dark guardian behind him so we got ready and fight.

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