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Brody's POV

"Uh, a big ship is catching up to us" Goofy said "Quit gawking! That's a pirate ship!" Donald said "It's going to ram us!" Sora said "Hold on tight!" I said.

*Neverland-Hook's ship*

I looked around as Sora, Donald and Goofy weren't with me "I didn't think you'd come, Brody" I heard Riku and looked behind me "Good to see you again" He said "Where are Sora, Donald and Goofy?" I asked "Besides Sora, are they that important to you?" Riku asks "More important than old friends?" He asks "Instead of worrying about them, you should be asking..." He said "about her" He said stepping to the side to reveal Kairi but she looks off...she wasn't reacting 'Wait.... I seen this before...her heart's been stolen' I thought "Kairi" I said "That's right. While you were off goofing around, I finally found her" Riku said and I frown trying to run at him but someone with a hook for a hand stopped me "Not so fast. It's been a while, boy" He said and I looked at him "......Do I know you?..... Wait you're captain Hook!" I said as two heartless appeared beside me "Seems like you have some old enemies" Riku said "What's with you? Why are you with the heartless?" I asked "The heartless obey me now, Brody. Now I have nothing to fear" Riku said "Riku, if you keep doing this. Sooner or later they'll take your heart" I said 'It's unnerving how close he's with darkness....just like Terra....Wait then someone's manipulating him' I thought "Not a chance. My heart's too strong" Riku said "Snap out of it Riku!" I said "I've picked up a few other tricks as well" Riku said "Like this, for instance" He said extending his hand and my shadow raises up as a literal clone "You can go see your friends and boyfriend now" Riku said turning around "Riku!" I said as a hatchet below me opens and I fall through.

"You don't say?" Goofy asks "You saw her?" Sora asks relieved "Yeah, it really was Kairi" I said "We've finally found her" Sora said "All right! Then let's go up and talk to her" Goofy said "Yeah!" Sora said "Sounds great. Okay, but first..." Donald said as Goofy was ontop of him and Sora was ontop of Goofy and I was ontop of Sora and we got up.

"Brody!" I heard the voice of Peter Pan and I turned around "Peter!" I said "How ya doin' there? Looking for a way out?" Peter asks "Well. I'm the answer to your prayers" He said "Aren't you stuck here with us too?" Sora asks "No. I'm just waiting for someone" Peter said and Tinker Bell flies around me and Sora and stops infront of Peter "Tinker Bell, what took you so long?" Peter asks "Great job. So you found Wendy?" He asks "Hold on. There was anothet girl there, too?" He asks "That has to be Kairi" I said "Are you crazy? There is no way I'm gonna leave Wendy there!" Peter said to Tinker Bell "Aha. She must be jealous" Donald said and Tinker Bell kick Donald's beak and then flies out the small hole in the door "Come on, Tink! Open up the door!" Peter said "Ahem" Sora said and Peter sighs "I'm Peter Pan" Peter said to Sora extending his hand "I'm Sora" Sora said going for the shake but Peter pulled his hand back "Okay, we're in this together, but only 'til we find Wendy" Peter said "You shouldn't have a problem with Brody by your side" He said.


We battle our way through heartless in the lower decks and as we walk Sora, Donald and Goofy notice Peter Pan floating "So, uh, how come you can fly?" Goofy asks "Anyone can fly. You wanna try?" Peter asks and we stop and Peter whistles and a Tinker Bell flies over "Aw, haven't you cooled off yet, Tink?" Peter asks and grabs her and then flies over us dropping pixie dust on us "Just a little bit of pixie dust" Peter said "There. Now you can fly" He said and Donald jumps and wails his arms but falls down and Tinker Bell laughs.


Third Person's POV

"What? So Wendy's not one of the chosen ones?" Captain Hook asks Riku "There are seven, supposedly and Maleficent says she's not one of them" Riku said "Hoist anchor as soon as possible" He said "Leave all the dead weight behind, including her" He said "After the trouble of capturing her?" Hook asks "And why those seven? What is Maleficent planning, anyway?" He asks "Who knows?" Riku said "As long as it means getting Kairi's heart back, I couldn't care less" He said "You're wasting your time!" Hook said "The heartless have devoured that girl's heart" He said "I'll stake me other hand it's lost forever" He said "I will find it no matter what" Riku said "Uh, captain..." Smee said and Hook walked over "What?" Hook asks "The prisoners have escaped" Smee said "What's more, Peter Pan is with them" He said "Blast that Peter Pan!" Hook said "All right, then! Bring the hostage to me cabin, Smee! Hop to it!" He said.

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