Halloween Town

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Brody's POV

After we left Atlantica we went to a world called Halloween Town "This sure is a spooky place" Goofy said "I'll bet the people here are scary-lookin' too" He said "Don't worry. We look spooky, too" Donald said as he looks like a mummy, Goofy is a Frankenstein's monster and Sora and I have a costume reminiscent of vampires "If they scare us, we'll scare them right back!" Donald said "You think so?" Goofy asks and we went to the square with a fountain in the center.

When we entered we spotted heartless near the fountain but they didn't move nor react "And now, allow me to introduce the master of terror, the king of nightmares-- Jack Skellington!" Someone said and a tall Skeleton came out from the fountain and posed "Bravo, Jack! Bravo!" The small person said walking to Jack "Those ghosts will be a big hit at this year's Halloween!" He said "Thank you, thank you!" Jack said "But their movement still needs work. It's not scary enough" He said "I want to strike bone-chilling terror. I'm going to consult the doctor" He said walking away "Then I'll go attend to the decorations" the mayor said and we decided to follow this Jack guy to the lab.

When we entered we saw Jack reading a book while a man in a wheel chair was looking at a heartless on an examination table "I don't understand" Jack said "Maybe the guudance system was damaged in the explosion" He said "Nonsense. My devices are always perfect!" The doctor said "Oh, I've got it! Why, of course! The Heartless need a heart!" Jack said "Doctor, do you think we can add a heart to that device?" He asks "Certainly. A heart's not all that complicated" The doctor said "Let's get to work" He said "To make a heart, first take a container with a lock..." Jack said and the doctor did so "We need the key to this thing first!" The doctor said "You're realy gonna unlock it for them?" Donald asks Sora "Why not? If they succeed, we won't have to fight the heartless, right?" Sora asks "Besides, I want to see the heartless dance, too" He said "Don't you?" He asks "Not really. Brody say something" Donald said "I want to see how this 'Heart' works" I said summoning my keyblade and unlcok the lock "My! That was amazing!" Jack said "Uh and you are?" He asks "I'm Brody and they are Sora, Donald and Goofy" I said "Well done, Brody!" Jack said walking to me "I'd like you to be a part of this year's Halloween" He said "You're using these heartless for Halloween?" I asked "Yes. The heartless came to town just recently" Jack said "What's frustrating is I can't get them to dance with me" He said "So the doctor and I are trying to improve the guidance system" He said "He's quite a genius!" He said "Okay, doctor, let's continue!" He said "The ingredients for a heart: Pulse. Emotion. Terror. Fear. Hope and despair" Jack said "Mix them all together, and we have a heart!" He said and the doctor turned on the machine and the heartless sit up but then lay down again "It failed!" The doctor said "Maybe we're missing some ingredients" He said "Let's try adding memory" He said "Sally! Sally!" He said "Good-for-nothing girl!" He said "Don't know why I bothered creating her!" He said "Sally's got the memory we need" He said "See if you can track her down" He said "No problem. Brody, would you like to come along?" Jack asks "Sure" I said and we all walked out the lab.

"Jack! Jack! We have a major crisis!" The mayor said "The heartless are completely out of control!" He said "We can't stop them!" He said "Hmm... Maybe our experiment triggered something" Jack said "Everything will be fine, Mayor" He said "You have nothing to worry about" He said and we moved on.


We went to the graveyard and took out some heartless and then a dog? Ghost dog? Came from its tombstone with the name Zero "Zero! Have you seen Sally anywhere?" Jack asks and Zero flies into a gargoyle statue and a girl comes from behind it "Is something wrong, Jack?" Sally asks "No, everything's going great" Jack said "We're going to have the best halloween ever" He said "All we need now is your memory" He said "Memomry? You mean this?" Sally asks showing a flower, a Forget-Me-Not "Jack, I have a bad feeling about this" Sally said as Jack grabs it "Why don't you try slmething else? Theres still time" She said "Nothing could beat what I've got planned!" Jack said "Once we give the Heartless a heart, they'll dance just as I envision it" He said "Trust me. You're going to love it!" He said and we started to walk away.

Third Person's POV

Unaware to the group lock, shock and barrel jumped out of a coffin as everyone left "Did you hear that?" Barrel asks "Yeah, I sure did! A heart! What should we do?" Lock asks "Gosh, you really are stupid! Isn't it obvious?" Shock asks "Tell Oogie Booie" Barrel said.

*Back at the lab*

Brody's POV

"Yes. This is it" The doctor said "Now, just one more ingredient" He said "We need 'suprise' to complete the heart" He said "The mayor should know where it is" He said.


Third Person's POV

"A heart?" Oogie asks the kids "That bonehead Jack is really making a heart?" He asks "I'll be jiggered! That works for me!" He said "Ohh, when I get my hands on that... Well, I've got no hands, but I'm still gonna nab that heart and control the heartless" He said and laughs.

*Back with Brody and the others*

Brody's POV

Eventually we found the mayor and after playing a memory game he gave us the Jack-in-the-box and then we headed back for the doc's lab.

"Yes. This is it" The doctor said "There you go. This time it's sure to work" He said and a kid slide infront of the doctor making him fall from his chair and drop the heart and the kid and two more grab it and run off with it so we chase after them.

"We lost them!" Sora said and Jack called Zero over "Zero, after them, quick!" Jack said and Zero flies away and we follow him.

Eventually we reached a place called Oogie's manor and we saw the three kids on a walking bathtub going inside and we followed after them. The kids throw the heart down a hole as we got i and started attacking us.

It wasn't that hard to defeat them "We were just following orders!" Shock said "Oogie Boogie told us to steal the heart" She said "It's all Barrel's fault!" She said "It was his idea to tell Oogie Boogie about the heart" She said "Yeah, that's right!" Lock said "B-but you guys said--" Barrel said "You should be ashamed!" Shock said and we then flipped a switch that unlocks a door below the mansion and we entered it.

"Oogie Boogie, give me back the heart!" Jack said "You want it?" Oogie asks "Well then come over and get it!" He said eatin the heart and laughs "Now let's see if I can get their attention" He said "Oh, heartless!" He said but only two flew over to him "This is it? Nobody disrespects me! Nobody!" Oogie said and we got ready to fight him.

It was slow since we were in a board and needed him to activate the contraption to get us to him but we managed to beat him and um bugs went out his body killing him? I guess, well at least we could retrieve the heart "So that heart was a failure after all" Jack said and we walked out and got back up to the top of the mansion and we were ready to head back but suddenly the ground shook for a moment "Huh?" Jack asks and we turned around to see Oogie Boogie had fused with his mansion "Whoa! How did he get so big?" Jack asks "Look! It's brimming with the power of darkness!" Donald said as there were many orbs of darkness on different spots of the mansion "Oogie Boogie is drawing power from those dark globs!" I said "So we just have to destroy those things, right?" Sora asks and I nodded ad we got ready for it.

It took us a while but we managed to destroy them but we did and Oogie Boogie and the mansion dissapeared and a keyhole appeared so Sora and I lock it.

*Later at the Doctor's Lab*

"Sally, why didn't I listen to you?" Jack asks "Don't feel bad, Jack" Sally said "We'll come up with another plan for Halloween" She said "Next time, we'll do it together" She said "I guess we have no choice" Jack said "We'll have to cancel the Heartless Halloween festival for now" He said "Visit us any time, Sora and Brody" He said "Next year's Halloween will be the scariest ever!" He said "Emotion, memory...We put in all the necessary ingredients" The doctor said "What else do you need to make a heart?" He asks "What is a heart, anyway?" He asks "I can't figure it out" He said and Sora and I walked out with Donald and Goofy and we got on the gummi ship taking off to the next world.

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