Traverse Town II

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Brody's POV

After following León and Yuffie to a hotel room and once Sora woke up they explained us these new creatures called the heartless being born from people's darkness. It seems the keyblade it's what they fear and it seems we'll have to find a way to prevent a lot of them from tormenting the worlds, but before we could think more the heartless showed up so we fled and when we left the room I swear I saw something familiar. Anyway we pushed our way through the heartless and went to the next district "You think we lost them?" Sora asked and I said "Maybe can't say for sure though" I said as we make our way through.


We made some distance and beat some shadows when we heard two screams and something falling on top of us I bearly moved out of the way but they fell on Sora. On closer look they were Donald and Goofy as they looked up seeing me and they were as suprised as I was "Donald! Goofy!" I said happy to see old friends "Brody!" They said forgetting the fell on Sora and quickly got up and tackled me in a hug "Y-yeah I miss you two too" I said having some trouble breathing as they pulled back "So were we. We where looking for you" Goofy said and I looked at them confused "Huh?" I asked "Hey!" Sora said standing up. Oh right forgot he was here, but then a huge armor lookong heartless showed up and we got ready to fight it.

*After the battle*

Once we took care of that both Donald and Goofy looked at Sora "Who's he?" Donald asked "Seems he can use the keyblade too" Goofy said "I'm Sora and who are-" he said but Donald interrupted looking at me "Anyway Brody the king sent us to look for you" Donald said ingoring what Sora was gonna asked. "Is that so?" I asked and Goofy gave me a letter, as I read it it says that Mickey left and asked for looked for the key "Me?" I asked and they nodded "But he could have asked for Aqu-.....oh right" I said remembering she's gone as I looked down sad. Thought I felt two hands rubbed my back and it was them "If anyone can help the king is you Brody" Goofy said "Plus you already help stop a threat before" Donald said and I smiled "Thanks guys....heh I still gotta keep my promise of letting you two help me" I said and they nodded happy "Oh right Sora they are Donald and Goofy friends I met a while back" I said "Can they help find Riku and Kairi?" He asked and I nodded "Going through the worlds. We are bound to find them" I said and Leon and Yufi appeared and agreed though Sora still seemed sad that they weren't with us. Goofy and Donald say that to use their ship they need happy emotions and asked Sora to feel happy and he did making...a weird yet cute happy face making us three laughed a little. We said our goodbye to the others and started heading to Donald and Goofy's ship.
So Mickey is gone but he said that my help may be needed I wonder why. But I can't shake off the feeling that something happened to Riku.

Did he really left back on the islands? Or let darkness take him away?

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